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? Death at Sea

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Linda Report 18 Oct 2008 16:38

Hello Everyone,

I now have another query.
I have just found by Googling my ancestors name Christopher Jeakins born 1876 that he appears to have died at sea.
This is what comes up under Royal Navy Casualties killed and died September 1917:
Zaria Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary.
22 September 1917
Jeakins, Christopher, Engineman, RNR, ES 777, illness.

I have tried to find a death cert in the normal way and also by looking at deaths at sea and Naval Deaths in WW1 but cannot find him.

Has anyone any idea what sort of ship this was and where I could look for his death certificate please.

His father also named Christopher died in 1918 and I have this death certificate.

Any help appreciated.


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 18 Oct 2008 16:40

The CWGC site might name the ship and perhaps give you a bit more detail.

Not sure about death certs but you might be able to track down more about the ship either through the National Archives or the Maritime Museum.


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Oct 2008 16:47

according to the CWGC site he is buried in Hull cemetary
Initials: C
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Engineman
Regiment/Service: Royal Naval Reserve
Unit Text: H.M.S. "Zaria."
Age: 41
Date of Death: 22/09/1917
Service No: 777/ES
Additional information: Son of Christopher and Martha Jeakins; husband of the late Harriet Jeakins.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: 515. 49690.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Oct 2008 16:52

his death cert may be on the Marine registers on Find My Past website


Linda Report 18 Oct 2008 16:56

Hello Shirley and Jill,

Thank you for your prompt reply. What does CWGC
You seem to find things so much quicker than I do.
I have only just started doing the Jeakins side of my family and realy only concentrating on my Great grandfather Christopher. Now that I have (I hope) all his children I thought I would go through each one to find birth and death and marriages for each one. The first two were quite easy and I found a marriage for Christopher quite easily but could not find the death. It was only when I was putting the new details in my tree on this site that an option came up to look at websites for his name and lo and behold that is what I found.

I am now also trying to find any children he might have had but as I do not know any names this will be quite a task.

Thanks once again for help.



kezzer Report 18 Oct 2008 17:07

hi not sure if this has any relevance, or is the ship you are looking for. but just in case


Potty Report 18 Oct 2008 17:15

CWGC - Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The site has details of where people killed in the first two world wars are buried or commemorated. As well as soldiers, sailors and airmen it also has civilian casualities. Some entries have more information than others. For each entry you can look at a photo of the cemetery or memorial and download a certificate.

It also gives details of where the cemeteries are for those who want to visit.


Potty Report 18 Oct 2008 17:19

To find his children, first look for him on the first census after his marriage, assuming he married before 1901. You might also find Harriet's death on freebmd.


Potty Report 18 Oct 2008 17:21

Possible death for Harriet:
Deaths Dec 1913 (>99%)
Jeakins Harriet E 26 Sculcoates 9d 153


Linda Report 18 Oct 2008 17:22

Hello Everyone,

What a response in such a short time. I have found the picture of the ship, thanks Kezza. I am now going to look at the CWGC site to see if there is a picture of his grave etc.
Tomorrow I will check out the Marine Registers to see if I can get a death cert there.
Thanks again everyone.


Potty Report 18 Oct 2008 17:27

Did he marry Harriet Lazenby in 1910? If so, I don't think there were any children. The only Jeakins born between 1910 and 1913 were born in London.


Potty Report 18 Oct 2008 17:28

Linda, get the death cert by all means, but it probably won't give you anymore info than you already have.


Linda Report 18 Oct 2008 17:31

Hello Potty,

I have the death of Harriet and yes she was Harriet Lazenby. They married in 1910 in Hull. I am wondering if she died in childbirth!



mgnv Report 19 Oct 2008 18:11

The GRO holds the War Deaths Register. This covers the Deaths of serving personnel during:
the Boer War 1899-1902
World War 1 1914-1921
World War 2 1939-1948