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Computer Problems with FreeBMD/Genes

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Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 29 Sep 2008 12:05

Thanks all. It does seem to be a browser problem (thanks Rose). I am with BT Broadband and get Norton with it. Spent an hour or so last night with the BT man installing it all. Deleted AVG and spyware etc.

However that did not solve the problem!

Found a way round it through googling.

I no longer open the internet through my BT icon, i use the internet explorer icon and allowed popups etc from certain sites.

This seems to be a way round it rather than a fix. But at least I can now see my tree and view district info on FreeBMD.

Thanks again for your suggestions, my computer is running my more quickly now as well.

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 28 Sep 2008 18:43


You didn't say which browser you were using. I assume it's Internet Explorer? Is it trying to open a new Tab or a new window?What about downloading Firefox?



ChristineinPortugal Report 28 Sep 2008 16:08

Hi Selena,

Are you a member of Rootschat?

There are some good technical people on there who may be able to help.

There is a technical help forum, all free to join if you aren't already a member.



InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Sep 2008 15:42

CCleaner is good - I use it every day.

You clear you browser cache manually by going to Tools, Internet Options, then hit the delete button in the middle of the General tab.

Cleanup will free up a bit of space on your disc, and defrag will make loading files saved on your disk that bit faster, but won't clear your browsing activity.

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 28 Sep 2008 15:00

Downloaded and run the cleaner - seems a good program. But still have the same problem.

I can open as many programs as I want and different web pages but opening a window within a window is still not working. Also trying to open a link within an email freezes the internet.

Thanks for your suggestions, its appreciated.



ChristineinPortugal Report 28 Sep 2008 14:27

Hi Selena,

You could try downloading CCleaner

It's a free programme and will clear out all the temp files etc in a few seconds.

You can choose to keep cookies for the sites you use regularly with passwords which means you don't have to sign in every time.

A lot of people recommend it and I have never had any problems with it.


Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 28 Sep 2008 11:56

Thanks everyone and I apologise for not getting back last night.

I do a disc clean up on a weekly basis which should sort out the temp internet files.

It does seem to freeze with a new window. How else could I clear the browser cache?

thanks again for responding its appreciated,



InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Sep 2008 09:52

It is not necessarily a RAM issue as if it were, the problem would have been there all the time.

Slow page loading can happen if their is insufficient space in the browser cache, which is the space reserved on your disk to hold web pages. Widows is supposed to manage the space for you but it is always not very good at it.

Try Clearing your internet temp files on a regular basis and you could well see an improvement.

This one tip alone often sorts things out and was often the first thing our IT support team at work did when someone reported problems loading web pages.


mgnv Report 28 Sep 2008 09:33

It might be that you don't have enough RAM for what you're doing. Try checking whether there's a relation between problem instances and memory usage by looking under the "performance" tab in task manager. I was having similar problems with about 10 IE7 windows under XP with 1MB RAM. If I clicked on a big jpeg file, it wouldn't open, etc. Short of buying more RAM, I found shutting down some IE7 windows helped.


Heather Report 28 Sep 2008 01:14

Ive had probs with freebmd on and off when checking districts.


Bobtanian Report 28 Sep 2008 01:08

You may also have your hard drive getting filled up, not enough room(virtual memory) to load new pages etc.
have you done a disk clean and defragment lately?


*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ*

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* Report 27 Sep 2008 22:26

It may be because you have low RAM on your computer....(I think it means Random Access Memory), so when you look at sites that require a lot of memory, you don't have enough, and the computer freezes.

I had the same problem until a friend put in a bigger memory card on my computer.

You need a RAM of at least 512mb if you are running XP.


Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 27 Sep 2008 20:51

What browser are you using?

Sounds like it's freezing when a new window is trying to open.


Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 27 Sep 2008 20:19

My computer has started freezing when I try to look at my own tree on Genes and on others trees I am allowed to view. All other bits on Genes are okay.

It also freezes when I click on district info on FreeBMD. I can use the search okay on FreeBMD and page number works okay.

I get the egg timer and it sits there. I have to do cntl alt delete to close the program in task manager (not responding).

I am running AVG 8.0 (latest free version) and spybot and spyware blaster.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how I might be able to sort it out.

