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BMDs...the REAL ones?

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Judy Report 22 Sep 2008 18:11


As I mentioned on another thread, there are a few, not many, of the documents that do redirect you to another site to view the image - I believe that has to do with past agreements between sites. The LDS site, however, has bucked the system and they are posting documents that can be downloaded for free. I was able to obtain over a dozen death certificates alone this past week and as I mentioned, found a few new twigs to add to my branches...I have found it to be an invaluable stuff being posted all the time.


♥Betty Boo from Dundee♥

♥Betty Boo from Dundee♥ Report 22 Sep 2008 13:23

Hi Judy93,

The LDS website, re your message you can search for someone but you can't view the actual image as you are re-directed to Find My Past where you have to pay to see the image!!



JMW Report 22 Sep 2008 12:34

Birth, Death and Marriage Register entries are the only place where original signatures are required by law. Any 'signatures' on certificates are usually copies unless the vicar at a wedding got the couple to sign the certificate as well. This would not happen in a Register Office wedding.
As has been said the only way one could get a certificate with original signatures would be if the Register Office was able to scan the original entry. Not all ROs can do that either from equipment or staffing issues (remember that register Offices legally exist to register events. Certificate production is a 'sideline' to their main purpose. We family historians need to remember that sometimes when we whine about the service. Without the main function, we would not get to research our family history.)
Remember also that you will not get original signatures from GRO as they only ever get copies of entries.


Thelma Report 22 Sep 2008 11:17

Legally, it is only the original register, held by the church or register office, which bride, groom and witnesses are required to sign. Any copy registers and certificates issued as copies of the original register may have the signature names copied in a different hand
So the first question that has to be asked:-
Is this the original register?
Otherwise a scan is useless.
I have yet to ascertain if original signatures are in birth/death registers.
I have several certificates issued on the day of the event.
None have original signatures.


Ericthered Report 22 Sep 2008 11:00

Even the cert you are handed by the Registrar is not an 'original' is a certified copy of an entry in the Register.

You don't sign the cert when you sign the Register.................!!!!!!!


Alan Report 22 Sep 2008 09:56

You may find, as I did, that your relation couldnt write. Mine signed with a "X"


InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Sep 2008 09:44

Yes, but as Kath says, many don't have signatures so all you see is a photocopy of the registrars clerk's handwriting in the register.


Judy Report 22 Sep 2008 08:56

I stand corrected then....they are, however, as orignal as one is going to get......signatures and all.


InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Sep 2008 08:45

There is no such thing as an 'original' certificate as all certificates, even the very first one ever issued, are a copy of the entry in the register.


Judy Report 22 Sep 2008 08:36

You might not be aware but the Latter Day Saint site has added a new pilot section to their site - they are making available, FREE, copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates, as well as censuses. They are adding new stuff to the site every day so if you don't find something the first time you visit, keep trying. I am on a roll again with my own research as there was so much information posted on my family....things I have been searching for, for 20 years!

There is also a new section where they are asking for help with transcribing these documents so they can be if you have a lull in your own research you might want to give that ago. I was able to pick what area I wanted to transcribe for.

The new pilot section of the site can be found here:


Megs Dicky Island

Megs Dicky Island Report 22 Sep 2008 00:25

Hi Mrs Bucket

Look at thread Certificates - not original copies.



MrsBucketBouquet Report 22 Sep 2008 00:06

Thanks Kath...what a bummer!

Gerri x


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2008 00:05

Some register offices will photocopy the original registers if you order from them, but even then sometimes the original register that they keep are actually a copy of what was originally signed so you might still not get actual handwriting and signatures.

Kath. x


MrsBucketBouquet Report 22 Sep 2008 00:01

Is it possible to get hold of the original BMD certs?

I want hand writing!...signatures!