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Ancestry Question?

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Lindsey* Report 9 Sep 2008 01:36

Yes its under manage my tree, you can choose what to show, password guests etc.


Madmeg Report 9 Sep 2008 01:32

Is there a facility on Ancestry to hide living relatives as their is on Genes Reunited? I haven't even contemplated adding my tree to Ancestry. Advice appreciated



val1963 Report 8 Sep 2008 20:04


Thanks for that I'll try it at the weekend and let you know



Heather Report 7 Sep 2008 22:58

LOL, thanks Glen, nite nite.

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 7 Sep 2008 22:19

That .FTW thing is the main Family Tree Working file Heather, it's a different format to gedcom altogether.

Gedcom files are text only but .FTW files are text and images. You can't actually transfer an image direct to GR, Ancestry or TP by uploading a simple Gedcom file, you have to add them manually.

***The tripwire has just gone off........Mrs G alert.....Mrs G Alert.

Nite for now


Heather Report 7 Sep 2008 22:13

Glen has some wonderful threads over on FTF with all sorts of info on family tree programs including screen shots to help you.

Glen, just remind me. If you want all the photos to go over from FTM2006 do you have to save it with that .FTW thing as a gedcom?

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 7 Sep 2008 22:13

How to create a gedcom file with FTM, PAF and Legacy.....the illustrated version;

If you start downloading GEDCOM files from sites and opening them with FTM then you will get in a right tangle with multiple files on FTM and unless you know which is which then you run the risk of editing the wrong one.

It is far easier to work on FTM and use that as a master file (you can work offline and only have to enter the info in FTM), make a gedcom file every now and then to update your online trees from the FTM programme..


Heather Report 7 Sep 2008 21:53

Linda above has given you an outline.

But what you do is go to your FTM2006. Click on File.

Click on Export File. Click on Entire File.

That will take you to a box where you can give the file (a gedcom) a name. Give it whatever name helps you.

Then drop down the little box that says save as type and go right down to the bottom one - Gedcom (unless you have photos you want to move over then you have the FTW end -I think!)

I think from there you will just be guided along. It will ask if you want to privatise it temporarily - say yes - then it will do the business.

Remember the name of the gedcom file and then go to ancestry where it asks you to upload a gedcom and browse for the name of the file you just created.

NOW, I think Ive got it right there. I normally fumble around until it works.

If anyone can offer a better explanation - please do. But have a go anyway Val.

If you have internet storage back up to that or back up to cd before you start fiddling in case you make a boob. But Im sure you will work it out :)

OR if your GR tree is up to date:

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on Import/export gedcom.

You will receive your gedcom as an attachment on an email.

When you get the email from GR click on the attachment and then save it.

Then go to Ancestry and click on the My Ancestry tab on the home page. You will see the button where to upload your gedcom and just follow the instructions through.

Let us know if you manage it ok or if you have any problems.

Make sure you choose the option to make your tree private on there.


val1963 Report 7 Sep 2008 20:57

Hi All,

Thanks for the advice.

No i dont know how to create a gedcom on FTM



LindaRSJ Report 7 Sep 2008 19:33

I actually did mine the other way around. Go to Ancestry. Click on the My Ancestry tab. Then click on Upload a Family Tree File. Fill in that it is a FTM file and give it a name then click on upload.


Heather Report 7 Sep 2008 19:20

Thats what Ive done Val - export your FTM2006 to ancestry and then when you have put a lot of new info on just delete the one on there and export a new gedcom. Use the facility on FTM to privatise it before you create the file.

Id also advise that you keep your tree on their private - people can still see bare info about individuals and contact you - but I certainly didnt want anyone in the world rummaging through my tree.

You know how to create a gedcom on FTM?


DavidM_UK Report 7 Sep 2008 19:12

I did that when I first started, and soon got a right mess trying to keep them in step.

Unless you have a good reason for keeping them seperate I suggest that you just do all updates with FTM, then periodically create a GED file (maybe filtering out some info using facilities in FTM and/or something like Res Privata) then upload that GED file to Genes and Ancestry. Be careful to check that you are not uploading personal information (like note fields containing addresses and telephone numbers, as I have come across!).



val1963 Report 7 Sep 2008 18:46

I have both 1 on Genes and 1 on family tree maker 2006



Heather Report 7 Sep 2008 18:42

Well Val I think most people already have one on here or on a better tree program and they just create a gedcom and export it to ancestry.

Do you have a tree on here or on your computer?

If you dont have a tree already then go to ancestry then click on the tab at the top, My Ancestry and then click on create a new tree.


val1963 Report 7 Sep 2008 17:45

I know this might sound like a silly question but here it goes.

How do you start a family tree on Ancestry?
