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Use ALL of ancestry resources

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Doreen Report 3 Sep 2008 19:58

Thanks everyone for your help shall look into your suggestions.



SylviaInCanada Report 3 Sep 2008 17:35



***joybell♥♥♡♥♡ Report 3 Sep 2008 13:45



SylviaInCanada Report 2 Sep 2008 22:20



Heather Report 2 Sep 2008 21:25

Bless you Ken, I am still a beginner after nearly 6 years :)

Do read those threads though, they should help.

There are many more good info tip threads on here - sadly in their wisdom GR have refused to have a board just for info threads so we have to continually "nudge" them to the top.

If you have any specific queries, do use the search box on the left too to find threads which may help you.


Trueloiner Report 2 Sep 2008 21:23

thanks heather.keep up the good work and all you other very kind & patient helpers. you are invaluable to us beginners. ken....Leeds


Heather Report 2 Sep 2008 21:20

Ken, nudge is a way of pushing a thread (these posts constitute a "thread"- a string of postings) to the top of the board.

Basically by adding your message to me and then clicking on "submit" YOU nudged the thread to the top of the page.

BUT when we have nothing to actually say, but just want the thread to be nudged up to the top, even a full stop in the reply box and clicking on add will "nudge" it up to the top of the page (until other newer threads come on or other threads get a response, then they will go to the top)

Its all on the Threads for Newbies - which I just nudged :)


Trueloiner Report 2 Sep 2008 21:17

heather. can you help a thickie (yorkshire slang ) how do you nudge up as you say. ken ....Leeds


Heather Report 2 Sep 2008 21:17

Its ok John, Ive had a house full of men for 30 years :) (all mine I should add!)

Actually thats another thought Doreen, if you only have your tree on this rotten GR one, why not buy yourself from amazon a who do you think you are 2006 version of family treemaker - which is currently at the mad price of £2.98 including a months free ancestry sub. There is also one with 3 months ancestry chucked in for about £15 on amazon.

The familytreemaker is SO much better than this very basic program, you can have your own website at the click of a button - impress the family.

In the meantime, please read the thread, Tips for Newbies and Google, Google, Google.

NB, sadly looks like amazons sale is finished and the ftm is at £8.99 - still a good price but as you have to add pp on to that, probably better to go to twr computing or my-history - both of them have it for about a tenner inc pp and on top of that they both offer telephone help if you have a prob.


John Report 2 Sep 2008 21:14

When I first started I bought credits on here. Then I bought Family Tree Maker 2006 and got a months free membership with Ancestory. Have to say I would not go back, but it is all about choice. It may be expensive Doreen, but I think most will agree it is worth it as long as you use it.
Thank you for the update Heather.... appreciate your willingness to help us bloke who don't read instructions :)


Heather Report 2 Sep 2008 21:09

Guys, for all of you I shall nudge up the tips for newbies thread.


Heather Report 2 Sep 2008 21:09

Oh Doreen, dont buy credits on GR its awfully expensive. Dump GR, go to and first of all take a 14 day free trial. You dont use credits once you pay your sub you have 24/7 usage for the year.

Can you get the money back from GR for those credits?

But anyway go to now and take the free 14 days.


Heather Report 1 Sep 2008 22:40

Sorry, its the British Vital Records Index. It covers SOME christenings and marriages from the 16th -20th century. Go and have a look.

Further, go to the bit that says something like "all records" and you can scroll down looking for parish records which are of interest. Look down the right hand margin when you go to "search".

for example, have a look here for parish and probate records:


John Report 1 Sep 2008 22:25

Good info.... like many others I dont really understand all that is available. I only found out today (after 2 years) that I should be using the full BMD rather than the free ones at the top!

Could you tell us what BVRI means please? Can you say a bit more about the impact it has?
I really must get up to speed!


Heather Report 1 Sep 2008 22:14

The thread on the BVRI being added to ancestry reminded me to remind you :) that if you have a sub make full use of it, not just the census and bmd but check out all the records on there - theres an awful lot more to look at.

If anyone hasnt noticed, the BVRI has been added:

Christenings: from 16th-20th century