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Cannot access GR - sorted? Thank you

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Lost for Words ;-)

Lost for Words ;-) Report 24 Aug 2008 11:01

Hi All

If you're having problems loading pages it's more likely to be your temporary internet files that need deleting. When you open a page IE stores details of the page so it loads faster next time, the problem is if it stores a corrupt page it tries to load that one until you delete it. If you have problems use either 'Refresh' or go in to Internet Options and delete temp files.

Frank - if you've had to reinstall Windows have you tried PC Inspector File Recovery, fantastic program which finds and allows you to restore deleted and lost files. It may take a while to recover them as it has to scan the whole HDD and it may not recover everything but it's worth a try. Their is also PC Inspector Smart Recovery for images which when I used on my sisters PC recovered nearly 2,000 pictures some from before a previous re installation of Windows.


Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 24 Aug 2008 10:34

Helloooooo, there. :) I'm back. (At least for the moment.)

My younger son said there is one site that he couldn't access for a week or two on his computer, then suddenly he could. (This is the only site that wouldn't load for me.)

A few minutes ago, for about the 10th try today, I decided to try again, since I couldn't sleep. And it loaded without a problem.

Actually, I did try clear the cookies first thing today, but haven't turned off the computer since doing so, so I'm not sure why it decided to work now.

Since I'm about 8 hours behind the UK, I usually access GR non-peak hours. Don't know what happened....but I'm here now. :) Thank you all for your help. :) Frank, sorry to hear about your computer.


FRANK06 Report 23 Aug 2008 16:54

Hi Potty,

I must admit that although there are a lot of Norton haters I like it and have used Norton since Systemworks 2002.
Norton 360 did not give me any other problems so I`ll take this as a one off.
My other problem is that Vista Service Pack 1 seems to have fallen out with my broadband modem since I first installed it and I`ve had to remove it to get online.( Needs a vista patch which it didn`t before )
Of course after praising Symantec Norton they still have not replied to my e-mail!
That is just a small aagghh!



Potty Report 23 Aug 2008 16:13


I took up the offer to update to Norton 360 v2. Had no problems until I tried to download the Addon Pack - downloaded but wouldn't install. Eventually got it installed via Nortons "Chat" help - but the new addon pack doesn't have Ad blocking so I am now getting ads on this site and Ancestry. Joining you in the AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!


FRANK06 Report 23 Aug 2008 15:50

I was also unable to connect from Friday 7.00pm and eventually gave up as my attempts to sign almost seemed to be ignored and I was returned each time to the sign on page, so I can only put it down to a GR site problem.
All other sites were available to me at the time and of course no problem today.
Incidentally,I clear out my cookies, temporary internet files etc every day as a throw back to my Windows `98 days.

Also on computer items, my Norton 360 , virus, firewall etc ( Six months old on a new Vista Premium computer ) offered me an online upgrade to Norton 360 v2.
The last thing I saw on my screen as it updated was " removing Norton 360 v1 " and two hours later I pulled the plug!
Back up failed and I was unable to move back to an earlier restore point so I am now back to a clean computer having lost everything, even my GED files which almost made it onto my new flash drive.
So back up ,back up, back up, back up.


Cleaned out Frank.


KeithInFujairah Report 23 Aug 2008 07:34

Is it only GR you cannot access or are other sites slow loading as well? I have problems here although my provider will not admit it it is their fault, I know it is. At peak times I have to give up, GR and other pages time out.


Porkie_Pie Report 23 Aug 2008 01:19

another thing, If you have not done any maintanance by way of delete temporery internet files and a cookie clear out, then sometimes i have found that that solves some problems, although i have not got a clue why, but it does.


Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 23 Aug 2008 01:15

Thank you, Roy. I will try that.


Hubby is waiting. I'll try things at home. Thank you all again.


Porkie_Pie Report 23 Aug 2008 01:13

If it is an update, disable the firewall then try to logon, if it lets you logon then you no thats where the problem is.


Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 23 Aug 2008 01:10

Roy, I haven't updated. There is a chance that one of my boys accepted the updates.

I will print this thread and see if my older son can work things out.

Thank you all very much for your help!

(I will wait a few more minutes, in case there are any further suggestions. Thank you again.)


Porkie_Pie Report 23 Aug 2008 01:03

Do you get regular updates? I have had several over the last month for internet explorer and after updates have installed i have had to change the settings on my firewall as my antivirus automaticaly will not accept any changes to internet explorer so i have to re-config my settings


Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 23 Aug 2008 00:56

Sorry that I didn't return before now. I'm at work.

Haven't deleted cookies within the past two weeks.

Actually, my son has a computer as well and I cannot access from his either.

It "times out" when I try to access from home.

Sorry, I'm not good with computers, but trying to get this across so you'll understand...I've tried typing "Ge" and before I can type any further, the previous "entries" pop up and I normally just press enter and I successfully load the page.

I cannot access GR either this way, manually typing the site address, or trying to enter the site with the emails GR sent previously (Hot Matches, etc.). Everytime I try, it times out.

Hope that all makes sense. Sorry for not knowing the terminology. Thank you so much for your responses. I'm quite frustrated, as I enjoy trying to help others with Canadian and American lookups.


agingrocker Report 23 Aug 2008 00:49

Hi Lisa
Are you trying to access via "favourites" or something like it? If you are, try starting from scratch and type the original address - or go via a Google search.



Jayne Report 23 Aug 2008 00:45

Do you "store" your password ?

It may have been corrupted or lost if you regularly delete cookies and temp files etc.


Porkie_Pie Report 23 Aug 2008 00:45

How are you trying to access the site? what part can you not do/get? and what is your pc doing when you try


Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 23 Aug 2008 00:37

I have not been able to log onto GR since last week from my home computer. I have not changed any settings. Any suggestions: what am I doing wrong (after several years of doing the same thing).

Thank you for any suggestions.