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Help with Volume and Page Numbers

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Madmeg Report 9 Aug 2008 00:19

Sometimes the GRO goes it right. I recently ordered the marriage cert of my grandparents and stupidly typed in 1884 (the year of her birth - I was ordering her birth cert at the same time). They sensible realised this and amended the date to 1914. Wonder why she was so old as 30 to be married? Odd back then.

But GRO came up trumps.




Kay???? Report 8 Aug 2008 22:46


1905,same time as Fred Tilling..September.

There are also,
all with the same registration GRO Ref Index,
2c, Area Volume, 292,,Page where its listed in GRO registers....

Alice carried the same,,others were born at the same time same place or area being registered who have the same regional indexing,,

These two could possibly be related -brother&sister Tilling,?
had the been in the same month/year and index GRO reference then there could be a chance of them being a multi birth ,but not always.....


Ninks Report 8 Aug 2008 22:35

Thanks for all your help. I am new to this and will look at the site you suggested.



Ericthered Report 8 Aug 2008 22:10

The page and volume numbers are unique to the names on the given don't order certs using ONLY those two have to give the YEAR and QUARTER as well................


KathleenBell Report 8 Aug 2008 22:03

The page and volume numbers are not unique to each person. The volume number is just for the registration district and the page can have quite a lot of names on the same page.

It is just strange that births in different years have the same number. It could be the opposite of what I suggested earlier. There could have been lots of births and the numbering system started again at one and it just happened that the two births in your family ended up with the same page number.

Kath. x


Porkie_Pie Report 8 Aug 2008 22:01

Vol and page numbers are only the GRO referance for their index, each registry has got its own reference system.

you do not need vol and page number to order a cert, but if ordering from the gro then it helps


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Aug 2008 21:59

It's just coincidence, ....but I agree it does make you stop and wonder if you are interested in both people.

A registrar explained it to me like this....

Each quarter the records from each office were sent to the GRO and all the entries from one particular registration district were pooled and entered into a master copy list no matter which office they came from within the district.

Each quarter a new list was started so would have no link to previous quarter's entries.
Because of this you could have 2 entries with the same registration district in DIFFERENT quarters that both show the same volume and page numbers.

Even if the surnames are the same, maiden names match and it's the same quarter it doesn't automatically mean twins ( although quite possible ) because the entries could come from separate offices from within the same district.



Ninks Report 8 Aug 2008 21:57

The page and volume numbers are needed when ordering birth certificates so why are they not unique? I could understand it if Fred and Alice were twins. Could it be that one of the years of birth is incorrect?


KathleenBell Report 8 Aug 2008 21:54

Perhaps the place they were born was a very small place and there were no other births between these two and so the page number was the same when both were registered. I can't think of another reason why births from different years would have the same page number.

Kath. x


Ericthered Report 8 Aug 2008 21:52

Using GR is the worst way of researching bmd's............they are FREE on freebmd up to around 1925


Ericthered Report 8 Aug 2008 21:51

This makes more sense................

Alice Maud Tilling 1903 Apr-May-Jun Faringdon Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire

Fred Tilling 1905 Jul-Aug-Sep Faringdon Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire

Sheer coincidence.......................


Ninks Report 8 Aug 2008 21:50

I searched on GR using the surname.


Ericthered Report 8 Aug 2008 21:49

Your posting is not exactly clear............I don't quite see what point you are trying to make...........

Which site are you using?


Porkie_Pie Report 8 Aug 2008 21:49

same surname,quarter, vol and page number would normaly meen twins.

If born in different years was their a reference next to one of the entries?

give use the ful details and will have a look.



Ninks Report 8 Aug 2008 21:48

That was my first thought but born in different years?


Ninks Report 8 Aug 2008 21:44

I hope you can help me, these birth entries

1903 Apr-May-Jun TILLY E TIPPER C

gave me the following

Tilling Alice Maud Faringdon 2c 293
Tilling Fred Faringdon 2c 293

I don't understand why the the volume and page numbers are the same, is this significant or a coincidence?