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Nightowl51 Report 3 Aug 2008 13:10

I found a rellie who maybe "accidently" killed her young son at 8months old.
She was committed to an asylum and didnt die until 1986.
The death cert of the baby stated she was insane was unfit to plea.
As it was 1928 baby blues was unheard of but she had 3 children in 4 years, very squalid and tiny accomodation.
Today there would be a medical explanation of why a mother would lash out at her child, especially if it kept crying etc.
I have since finding out, found this childs eldest sister who is still alive, and nearly put my foot in it.
She has no idea to this day why her mother left and through obsevation rather than interogation has no recollection of another child in the family other than her sister.
So I have decided not to tell her.
She tells me that she had a happy childhood, being brought up by her father and an aunt, and her mothers name was never mentioned.
Sooo not sure how old this info is,or how shocking you find this info, but should it involve a living rellie
that maybe isnt aware and you feel could be upset by it, keep it to yourself.
When we are children we are only told half truths, especially if you are over 40 now, some info was taboo.
Apparently one of my nans was "attacked" and a child was the result.
She wouldnt go around in the early 1900's announcing this to the world, these things were hidden and covered up.
Nothing I have learnt from family history surprises me any more, I have enough skeltons in my cupboard to fill a graveyard.
They talk about youngesters today having children out of wedlock, but it also happened all the time even as far back as I have traced.
When you research family history expect the unexpected, however tragic.



Kathlyn Report 3 Aug 2008 11:34

Yes, we all must be aware that we will find things not to our likeing with this hobby. After two years of research going up so many blind alleys I have now found out that our surname is not what it should be.

Granddad did tend to embroider things a little but how he kept this secret I will never know. He "took" another name back in about 1892ish and told no one, even his very large family had no idea that they had the maiden name of their grandmother and not the surname of their grandfather.



MrsBucketBouquet Report 3 Aug 2008 11:28

Has anyone heard from Meg yet?


HeadStone Report 3 Aug 2008 11:17

Hello Meg,
I'm sure there are many people on this board who have found the "skeleton in the cupboard". I'm afraid the lies and deceit I have come across not only with the dead but unfortunately also with the living that nothing surprises me anymore.
Anyone who wishes to delve into their family background must consider that they may well not be the perfect family.

A friend of mine found that a relative was illegitimate. A distant relative wrote saying that unless the tree was altered they would start legal proceedings? About someone who had been dead for over 100 years

You cannot change the wrongs of the past but you can control to some extent the future.


MrsBucketBouquet Report 2 Aug 2008 21:10

Me toooooo!...please please! pretty please?

Tell me yours n i'll tell you mine?



Sarah Report 2 Aug 2008 20:47

Meg, whats the craic? I like a bit of scandal. :-D


Julie Report 2 Aug 2008 18:39

Actually Shelly you're right there lol

Meg add me to the list please


Julie Report 2 Aug 2008 18:35

My you lot are sooooo nosy lol

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 2 Aug 2008 18:03

I'm busting a gut wanting to find out more now!


♥♥♥Debbie♥♥♥ Report 2 Aug 2008 18:01

cant you give us a clue

Megs Dicky Island

Megs Dicky Island Report 2 Aug 2008 17:55

Thanks everyone for your comments.

I think I will try and found out more, but with caution.

I'm sure we all have lots of cans of worms yet to be opened.



maryjane-sue Report 2 Aug 2008 17:54

I have got a murder, a couple of bigamists and an uncountable number of base-borns - dont think anything shocks or surprises me anymore.


Julie Report 2 Aug 2008 17:08


Up till 5 odd years ago i wasn't interested in my family history but my brother had been doing it for about 20 years prior...It was only when i saw that my surname might not be what i always thought it was then boy was i hooked.

Now im not shocked by anything that i have found

TC Julie

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 2 Aug 2008 16:52

We arent responsible for what our ancestors did,we are only responsible for our own actions so don't feel you have assume any guilt for anything in the past.
If you need any help in finding info then please ask

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 2 Aug 2008 16:41

If it's a far distant ancestor it should be OK to post at least an outline of the story. I agree though that if it is relatively recent you may be best not to put anything on here.

PM me by all means - I have a suicide and a couple of bigamists - all part of life's rich wotsits.


Megs Dicky Island

Megs Dicky Island Report 2 Aug 2008 16:28

Some shocking news given to me yesterday about an ancestor.

Is there anyone out there I can pm for advice, don't think I should put it on the boards.

Thanks Meg.