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Have i got this right?

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Nilly71 Report 3 Aug 2008 09:22

Just re-read your post, It might be correct and does make sense. I will try and follow it up.



Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 22:22

Walter Biggs is on my nan and grandads marriage certificate as "Eleanor Biggs formerly Hall the divorced wife of Walter Biggs", maybe thats what the W is in Charles W Biggs.
I know sometimes in the old days they used to use their middle name instead of their first name.



Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 22:09

My nan was 1911-1986 and as far as i know grew up around Mile End area. My Grandad(Bartle) grew around Stepney. Married in1945.
My dad remembers something about a relative (aunt?) living up north somewhere, because when he was little and got told off, he would say he was going to live with them.

"Charles W Biggs to Eleanor Hall,,West Ham,1928"
Sounds promising and would of made my nan about 17yrs old.

Thanks again for taking the time.


Jeanette Report 2 Aug 2008 19:27

could this be your nan's birth?

Births Sep 1911 (>99%)

Pearson Eleanor Pearson Mile End 1c 819

and her mother's marriage to Mr Hall?

Marriages Jun 1914 (98%)

Hall Michael Pearson Poplar 1c 766
PEARSON Alice M Hall Poplar 1c 766

Michael Hall is the name given as father on Eleanor's marriage cert.

Eleanor also had a daughter names Alice - after her mother perhaps?


Kay???? Report 2 Aug 2008 19:15

Neil what areas are involved,,,,,,,,

I found a marriage for,,

Eleanor Pearson,1913, to William E Hall regestered in Preston..this wouldnt be your grandmother as I think she may be getting past the age of children,,but it could be her mother possibly?

here is some but dont know if it fits,,,without certificates you would need to get,

Charles W Biggs to Eleanor Hall,,West Ham,1928,,

Eleanor Briggs/Hall to Mr Bartle -Romford Essex,,1945,


Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 16:59

Thanks Jill

I'm not having any luck matching Hall with Pearson for marriages.

I'll try again soon.


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 2 Aug 2008 16:01

Is it likely that her mother (Mrs Pearson) married a Mr Hall at some point so Eleanor used both names? Her real father's name and her stepfather?

Have you traced her mother's family? Is it worth looking for a later marriage for her mother?



Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 15:58

I don't know how old she was when she married Biggs, but she was 33 when she married my grandad (Bartle)in 1945.

Should i have her down as Hall or Pearson as a maiden name?



Kay???? Report 2 Aug 2008 15:40

Have you looked for any marriage dates so to pull all the names together it may look a bit clearer then/
How old was you *nan*when she married?


Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 15:24

I thought that was the case but wondered at what point she became Hall.

I should of said that she was divorced.

Sorry, just realised it's not signed by the fathers but has both fathers names Bartle and Hall.
The witnesses were her sister and friend.

Still wondering why the birth certificate does not mention Hall?

Thanks for the replies.

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 2 Aug 2008 14:10

The reference to Hall on the marriage cert is a bit puzzling. Could she have been told about her father before she married and then used his name on the certificate? When you say signed by Michael Hall - is that one of the witnesses? They don't usually show relationships - or is this not an English marriage?


Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 2 Aug 2008 14:06

Well explained Linda,

Just to add, the "late Biggs" reference does not have to mean that Biggs/Pearson marriage ended due to Mr Biggs death either, the marriage may have ended in divorce.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 2 Aug 2008 13:28

As it is written on the birth certificate
"Eleanor Bartle late Biggs formerly Pearson"

it means that when your father was born she was called Eleanor Bartle, so Bartle should be you fathers name.
Before that she was called Eleanor Biggs, but before that she was called Pearson.

So it suggests that her birth name was Pearson, she then married and became Biggs, then she married again and became Bartle.



Nilly71 Report 2 Aug 2008 13:13

Hi All

On my dads birth certificate it shows his mum as:
Eleanor Bartle late Biggs formerly Pearson.

On my nan and grandads marriage certificate it shows my nan as:
Eleanor Biggs - formerly - Hall.
It's signed by her dad Michael Hall and I know she was married to Walter Biggs with a child called Alice.

Would Pearson be her mums name and she was not named after her dad(hall)?
I can't find much info on Eleanor Pearson.

Hope the above makes sense.
