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Contacting possible relatives
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FamilyFogey | Report | 1 Jun 2008 10:32 |
Hi Jan |
brummiejan | Report | 1 Jun 2008 10:18 |
Wow, thanks for all the replies! I feel really encouraged to go ahead. And it was lovely to read your stories. |
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Huia | Report | 1 Jun 2008 06:03 |
I must add that I have contacted quite a few 3rd cousins on GR and am particularly pleased to get some from my fathers side of the family. |
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Huia | Report | 1 Jun 2008 06:02 |
My niece did this about 25 yrs ago, and even put an ad in a Canadian newsaper (we are in New Zealand). She had quite a few replies, some being relatives. Luckily my grandmother and mother had kept correspondence with a few cousins (grandmother) and 2nd cousins (mum) and I am now in touch with some of their children. I have taken over the research from my niece. |
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GlitterBaby | Report | 1 Jun 2008 01:24 |
My Mother did this about 10 years ago. Spent hours in her local library going through all the phone books. |
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Wez | Report | 1 Jun 2008 00:37 |
Yes. I looked up a name on the electoral role and only about 10 names cropped up for the whole of the UK. So I wrote a letter to them all. A longshot, which didnt actually pan out, but I was quite touched that I got some feedback. I received letters and phone calls from a few of those people. About 5 or 6 actually. Which was a nice touch. Shame it didnt result in anything but hey anything is worth a shot I suppose. |
FamilyFogey | Report | 31 May 2008 23:55 |
I think it can be a great idea - especially with a rare surname. |
LiverBird1 | Report | 31 May 2008 23:50 |
Hi Jan |
Researching: |
brummiejan | Report | 31 May 2008 18:22 |
Thanks for the encouragement all. I think I was being too influenced by alarmist news reporting and forgetting that most people are perfectly decent and not knife-wielding identity thieves!! |
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kay | Report | 31 May 2008 18:18 |
I have written one letter,and althuogh not the family I was looking for,I had a very nice letter back within the week. |
covlass | Report | 31 May 2008 18:13 |
have done it and am in contact with a cosin. I had never seen a photo of my grandfather & she had some which she passed onto me it was wounderfull. I introduced my self & explained my conection with the person I was contacting, enclosed a SAE, said thankyo & also sorry if they were not conected |
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brummiejan | Report | 31 May 2008 17:45 |
Thanks LD! Think I was just being a bit cautious. Might give it a go! |
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LD | Report | 31 May 2008 17:23 |
Yes I have done it a few times with mixed results. I always send a polite letter expressing my gratitude for any response, and always include an SAE. The results are anything from none to negative to sorry we can't help but .... and I have actually contacted a relative using this method. So in this game anything is worth a try. |
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brummiejan | Report | 31 May 2008 16:54 |
Has anyone out there ever tried to find family members by sending letters to people in the telephone directory? I know someone who did this with some success, but I wonder if anyone has had negative experiences after doing this. The family I am researching is called Eccleston, and there are very few in Birmingham, so I guess there is a good chance at least some are related. |
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