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Genes - Wish List

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faerykingdom Report 30 May 2008 23:08

I'd like it if when we're typing where our relatives were born, if the place isn't on the picklist already, we are able to add it for next time!

That would save loads of time!

Vicky X

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 23 May 2008 00:51

I too would like to go back to being able to search full names, not just 1st forename plus surname.
Searching in Wales for such as John Jenkins, Hannah Davies and Thomas Jones is not easy, - middle names inclusion would help alot.



Kate Report 23 May 2008 00:27

I think it would be nice if the Hot Matches were advanced to show the person's full name, not just their first name and surname. Part of the problem I find is that - especially if the internet connection is a bit wobbly - it can take a minute to open the page.

Perhaps if they could just show a list under the name of each tree owner with the "Discard" button at one side of the list?

Or what about a different type of Hot Match? Which goes by surname and location. So if you're searching for someone like William Branston in Worcester, born 1850, you don't get dozens of William Branstons born in 1850 in any location, you just get Branstons born in Worcester? That could be good for following up little branches that would otherwise be missed.


Half Report 22 May 2008 21:31


I always use Hot matches and have been put in contact with a lot of relatives over the months and that is absolutely wonderful.

The problem for me is that as their name and birth year's are linked to mine, why can't their place of birth also be so.

I have hot matches where I have listed the farm, village, local town, county and country and am linked to someone who has their ancestor listed in exactly the same way but in the opposite hemisphere.

Oh well I'm still thankful I have made contact with everyone of them.


Half Pint


Ginny Report 22 May 2008 20:20

There are loads of you on here who have been brilliant with me and patient!! Perhaps you could write a new easier programme.. I get terribly confused. I hate it when I trawl through hundreds of pages, go to more detail tab then am taken back to the start..with little detail change!

Newby Kim

Newby Kim Report 22 May 2008 19:51

Not sure if I,m right here, but I think there are people I have tried to contact who are no longer members of GR .
If I,m right then when their membership expires , could GR remove their family info on search please , as it is a waste of time .


faerykingdom Report 22 May 2008 19:50

I would also wish that when I add just a marriage year and the marriage district that it would not go missing a few weeks later so I have to trawl the indexes again!

I have started to put the marriage details in the note box as well so I still have it if it does go missing!

Vicky X


faerykingdom Report 22 May 2008 19:39

I was going to hide my living relatives, so I hid them and went on a friends account to see what they would see.

Although they were hiden, it also changed the number of siblings in each hiden generation and the boys and girls around.

Vicky X


Lindsey* Report 22 May 2008 16:36

Yes you go to MY account and where it says your details click on hide details, last line {you can always open them if you want to }

And for my wish, GR should be free yes FREE


Ginny Report 22 May 2008 16:17

can i ask when you show someone your tree how is there a way you can hide living relatives??


robertpplane Report 22 May 2008 15:48

Yep! Couldn't agree more.

Also, the occupation box is nowhere big enough to view many of my ancestors' jobs. Frequently I enter "see notes" to allow for them all.

Whilst on the subject of notes: occasionally I add a person to the wrong line or generation - I guess we've all done it. So I copy them to the clipboard and then add to the correct place, before deleting the incorrect entry. The problem is that the notes do not copy across and have to be copied seperately - which was very frustrating with one because I forgot to copy the notes and then had to re-type for nearly 30 minutes.


faerykingdom Report 22 May 2008 14:54

I do have quite a lot of burial dates and plots details for my tree, so where you add all information for you tree I would like there to be a space for that. There is a box for baptism details, so why not for burial details?


Vicky X


Half Report 22 May 2008 14:35


I agree with you totally.

I try to remember to untick the box everytime but I now automatically go into my sent box when I have finished going through them all and untick where necessary.

It is a pain to have to go through this though.


Half Pint


Half Report 22 May 2008 13:39


I don't know if this is the correct board to put this on, but hey if I don't, I will never know.

What facility would you like to see added to genes [please be realistic]?

Mine would be, when you search other peoples trees, along side where it says whether you have made contact with them it could say whether their tree is open to you or not.

Lots of wonderful people have opened their trees to me and vice versa and it would make life a lot easier whilst searching.

What do you think?


Half Pint