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Age on a Census
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Heather | Report | 20 May 2008 23:10 |
I think Jim has used ancestry for that info. What problems do you have when you search then. Are you talking about births, deaths and marriages? What do you enter and where? |
ChristineinPortugal | Report | 20 May 2008 22:43 |
Hi Virginia, |
Ginny | Report | 20 May 2008 21:00 |
Jim. Where do you find all this information. You seem to be able to get a lot more info than me.. I just only found the childs name, date of death etc... You found mothers name fathers name etc... i only use genes reunited and > Is there a better site than these or am I just not using them correctly?? Help |
Heather | Report | 20 May 2008 20:58 |
Most of my Rotherhithe lot are St Olaves reg district - not sure if that will help cutting down the likely death refs. I guess she may have been in a childrens home out of the district. Very sad isnt it. Im surprised with that number of kids that there wasnt a relative around to take her in. Big families usually have big families :) |
Ginny | Report | 20 May 2008 20:48 |
Well I do ask a lot of questions one here... Anyway I think I found it myself as another poster kindly found it too. The same information as me so I am learning... It is bloody annoying that you can't find anything past 1901.. Regarding the TB my mother told me that story she is old now. But I am going to buy the death certificate it might give me information as to the childrens home she was in too... Thanks heather xx |
Thelma | Report | 20 May 2008 20:45 |
Thelma | Report | 20 May 2008 20:39 |
death |
Heather | Report | 20 May 2008 20:32 |
Yes 3/12 is 3 months. One of the last to die of TB? No, they were still dying when I was a kiddie (Who told you off?) |
MargaretM | Report | 20 May 2008 20:30 |
Ginny, looks like you made the exact same mistake that I made at the beginning. You read that fraction as three and a half when actually it's three twelfths. |
Researching: |
Ginny | Report | 20 May 2008 20:27 |
all I know is that she died young. She was my Grannys older sister (not on census) The story goes that her father died soon after her birth mother could not cope so she and my granny went to a childrens home. She the story goes was one of the last people to die of TB? God I will never be able to cope with childrens homes? |
MargaretM | Report | 20 May 2008 20:23 |
When they transcribe a census they always put the age in months as a fraction of a year so 3 months becomes 3/12. |
Researching: |
ChristineinPortugal | Report | 20 May 2008 20:17 |
Ginny | Report | 20 May 2008 20:12 |
Name: Horace Phillips |
Heather | Report | 20 May 2008 20:04 |
Can you tell us where the image is please - her name etc. so we can check. Im pretty sure we will find she is 3 months, but just lets look. |
Ginny | Report | 20 May 2008 20:00 |
If I find a child on 1901 census with the age 3 1/2 could that be months or is it always written to the nearest year. I know this little girl died but can't find record death if her age were 3 years. Thanks |