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Anybody losing messages?

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Dea Report 22 Apr 2008 20:01

Hi all,

I have just had a message from a contact who has said he has sent me 3 messages - I have only received the one message from him in my in-box.

I am concerned becqause people are obviously not receiving a reply from me as I have not received a message.

Has anyone else had the same problem?

Dea x


Dea Report 22 Apr 2008 20:37

Can I take it that I am the only one then??

Dea x


Liz Report 22 Apr 2008 20:46

Don't know!
There are a couple of people I haven't heard from that I expected to, so it could be that my message didn't get to them, or their reply didn't reach me!


ChristineinPortugal Report 22 Apr 2008 22:26

It could be happening to us also but unless someone tells us they have sent a message we don't know.

What I have noticed is that if you read the email informing you that you have a message and then come onto the site it doesn't show you have a message but it's there in the inbox as if it has been opened although it hasn't been read.



Iain001 Report 23 Apr 2008 09:04

I also have the problem of messages appearing already read even when they havn't been. At one point I had recieved around 24 messages from poeple who had responded to my messages, when I went to my inbox only 12 appeared unread (even though I had not read the other 12) then after reading the first one all the rest flagged up as being read as well. It caused a nightmare going through all my messages trying to find which ones I had not read.
In addition to that I don't always receive an email telling me that I have a new message, so if it flags up as read and I don't regularly check my inbox then I don't know it is there.
I have had my suspicions as to whether I have been receiving all of my messages.


Huia Report 23 Apr 2008 10:38

When I receive the email saying that somebody has contacted me I delete it without opening it. I then come to this site and to the messages board and they are unopened, so I know which ones to read.
As for somebody saying he sent 3 messages, perhaps he hit a wrong button? He wouldnt be the first one to do that.


Huia Report 23 Apr 2008 10:41

Well there is only one button below the message box, so unless he hit the bar above it I dont know what the answer is. I have just sent a message to Dea. If you dont get it, Dea, please message me back!


Dea Report 23 Apr 2008 10:49

Gottit - Thank you x

I did wonder about the wrong button as I once put a post on a thread and it never got there??

I then realised that there is a 'review' and a 'submit' underneath the message box.

I must have pressed the review by mistake !!

However, on the messages - as you say, there is only one button.

Well I suppose it will just have to remain a mystery.

Many thanks all.

Dea x

****Wizzardess from Oz****

****Wizzardess from Oz**** Report 23 Apr 2008 11:08

I read a message 2 nights ago someone asking to access my tree as I wanted more info before I gave them access I didn't relpy while I thought about it.

When I went back to find the message it had disapeared - I think.......... did I read the message or did I imagine that I did?


Huia Report 23 Apr 2008 11:15

Lois, perhaps they decided you werent connected, and deleted the contact. I think that might delete the message as well? Or they might just have decided to delete the request for some reason.

****Wizzardess from Oz****

****Wizzardess from Oz**** Report 23 Apr 2008 11:26

Hi Huia
I wasn't happy with the request - as I posted a thread about Tree request - protocal tips board
and as I am a newbie wandered if it was the normal thing to do when someone contacts you requesting more information that they send back an auto reply requesting to see your tree,

So the member may have deleted the message,
that is possible, because I had messages from other members after that contact



Thelma Report 23 Apr 2008 12:01

I have two accounts.I sent myself a message and therefore appeared as a contact in both.I then deleted one contact but still have the other. So you cannot delete someone elses messages.

****Wizzardess from Oz****

****Wizzardess from Oz**** Report 23 Apr 2008 12:38

I don't quite follow that - but I checked and as I contacted the member they are in my contact list but the the incoming message I read disapeared,

Also I have a hot match with a member and have had contact, the member was coming up with 10 matches on my home page, as I looked through other matches the member was there with another 6 matches marked as a contact after I went back to the home page when I finshed looking at other matches the member then came up with 16 hot matches, all very strange



Thelma Report 23 Apr 2008 12:49

Click on the person in "Contacts" scroll down and all messages that you have exchanged are there. I cannot imagine that once they have sent you a message that they can interfere with your account.

****Wizzardess from Oz****

****Wizzardess from Oz**** Report 23 Apr 2008 13:37

Sorry Jim, I have been through the contacts, inbox, the sent box has the original message that I sent the member, there is no record incoming message,

However I did read it, as I said it was one of those auto reply messages requesting access to my tree.
