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Any help on missing grandmother.

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Linda Report 5 Jul 2008 16:46

Hello again,

Nickdownsouth asked in April what was the occupation of Jervase/Gervase on my grandmothers marriage cert. It was 'deceased Soldier' I have found one sibling for her and he was born in Ireland but died aged two in Leeds. I do not know how to find any other siblings as they moved about so much. Any ideas?


Linda Report 20 Apr 2008 13:14

Hello Everyone,
I cant believe all the replies I received. Firstly, Gervase Robinson was born in Hook (not Ouke) as quoted in the 1871 census. Gervase was a solider in the 5th Dragoon Guards from the age of 17 till he left in 1872. I have seen the Gervase Robinson and family on the 1881 census in Dewsbury but have discounted him as I have only found the two children previously mentioned.
The family in Deepcar could certainly be related as Jarvis?Gervase is such an unusual name and its not too far from Hook which is near Goole Yorks. The deaths I do not think fit in at all as he was born in 1837 (April).
Its so annoying trying to find someone. I expect as you say my grandmother was probably known by some other name and is sitting there somewhere on the 1881 census. One day I will find her. (I have been looking for over ten years)
I did find Gervase on the 1851 census living in Hull with his family. On this he is listed as Tarfus! but his place of birth and his father and mother are correct. It says he was an apprentice but of what I do not know. He joined the Army three years later as a Private. I cant see him being a coalminer. I will just keep hoping something will turn up.
Thanks again.

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 12:26

I've tried all sorts of variants to find the death of Jarvis. These are the only names I could find which looked even close.

Deaths Dec 1911
Robinson Jarvis 77 Sedgefield 10a 206

Deaths Jun 1883
ROBINSON Jervis 40 Chorlton 8c 388

Deaths Sep 1892
Robinson Gervase 64 Dewsbury 9b 417

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 12:06

It was late when I found those last night.........looking back at earlier comments I see that in 1871 Gervase/Jarvis was born in Ouke, Yorkshire while wife Mary was from Ireland. So the ones I found in 1881 can't be the same pair.
I can't see Ouke on my Yorkshire map and don't know the county well anyway but if it were close to York itself I'd wonder if the family I found in 1881 were related in some way. In my own family unusual first names keep being repeated.


Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 00:53

Maybe a red herring but it seems strange we have the same unusual names.


Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 00:50

I can see a number of possible servant Janes but none with the right birthplace. However not all employers knew or bothered to find out where servants were born so maybe she was recorded as being born where her parents were living.

Employers also may have called the girl any name they fancied.........some did that.

Or the transcription is odd. My own 2x great grandmother Sarah Ann was a servant in her early teens and recorded as having the first name Sunny.


Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 00:42

I bet Jane is away in service somewhere

Girls of about 12/13 often were living elsewhere.


Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 00:41

I'd guess this is the household of relation of some sort.
Household: 1881

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability
William ROBINSON Head M Male 28 Doncaster, York, England Coke Burner
Susan J. ROBINSON Wife M Female 26 Derby, Derby, England
William T. ROBINSON Son Male 6 Deepcar, York, England Scholar
Eliza B. ROBINSON Daur Female 4 Deepcar, York, England Scholar
Jarvis ROBINSON Son Male 2 Deepcar, York, England
Arnold ROBINSON Son Male 10 m Deepcar, York, England

Source Information:
Dwelling Horner Houses
Census Place Bradfield, York, England
Family History Library Film 1342116
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 4620 / 64
Page Number 13

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 20 Apr 2008 00:38

Is this the family in 1881?

Father appears to have changed jobs but names are right.


Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability
Gervase ROBINSON Head M Male 53 Dewsbury, York, England Coal Miner
Mary A. ROBINSON Wife M Female 54 Dewsbury, York, England
William H. ROBINSON Son M Male 24 Dewsbury, York, England Coal Cartman
Ben ROBINSON Son U Male 22 Dewsbury, York, England Coal Miner
Ann ROBINSON Daur U Female 17 Dewsbury, York, England Woollen Weaver
Job ROBINSON Son U Male 14 Soothill, York, England Coal Miner
Handel C. ROBINSON Son Male 12 Soothill, York, England Coal Miner
Annetta ROBINSON Daur Female 9 Soothill, York, England Scholar
Zillah ROBINSON Daur In Law M Female 23 Soothill, York, England
Mary E. ROBINSON Grandaur U Female 5 m Soothill, York, England

Source Information:
Dwelling Chidswell Lane
Census Place Soothill, York, England
Family History Library Film 1342100
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 4564 / 100
Page Number 5



Nickydownsouth Report 19 Apr 2008 19:10

Linda...What was the occupation of Father Jarvis/Gervais on your grand mothers marriage cert.? and were there any other siblings apart from the one who died in 1869?



pam Report 19 Apr 2008 18:09

I have every sympathy with your plight. I am searching for evidence of what happened to my Great grandmother and Grandfather. They lived in Hull but after 1901 I have no idea what happened to them. I live in Hull and the Library and Archives have lots of info.


Linda Report 19 Apr 2008 17:59

Hello Glitter Baby,
Yes this is my grandmother. I have already found this entry. Its the 1881 I would like to find her on. She stayed in Hull all her life after marrying grandad.
Its a mystery where the family were in 1881. I have looked at all her names and her fathers as Gervase was quite unusual. He is known as Jarvis and Jervis whilst in the Army. They were station in Ireland before my grandmother was born. They had a son there and named him Jervis Frederick. He died in Aldershot in 1869. I cannot think why my grandmother ended up in Hull. Unfortunately she died before I was born.
Thanks for your help. Any other suggestions?????
Regards Linda


GlitterBaby Report 19 Apr 2008 17:53

1891 is this her?

Name: Jane Gardiner
Age: 22
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1869
Relation: Wife
Gender: Female
Where born: Aldershot, Hampshire, England

Civil Parish: Holy Trinity
Ecclesiastical parish: St Luke
Town: Kingston
County/Island: Yorkshire
Country: England

Street address:


Condition as to marriage:


Employment status: View image

Registration district: Hull
Sub registration district: Myton
ED, institution, or vessel: 42
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
James R Gardiner 1
Jane Gardiner 22

Marriages Sep 1887 (>99%)

GARDINER James Robert Hull 9d 425
Robinson Jane Ann E Hull 9d 425
Varley William Hull 9d 425

1871 just for info
Name: Jane Ann Elizabeth Robinson
Age: 2
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1869
Relation: Daughter
Father's Name: Jarvis
Mother's Name: Mary Ann
Gender: Female
Where born: Aldershot, Hampshire, England
Civil Parish: Leeds
Ecclesiastical parish: St Clement
Town: Leeds
County/Island: Yorkshire
Country: England
Street address:


Condition as to marriage:

Disability: View image
Registration district: Leeds
Sub registration district: North Leeds
ED, institution, or vessel: 69
Household schedule number: 44
Household Members: Name Age
Jane Ann Elizabeth Robinson 2
Jarvis Robinson 32 Ouke, Yorkshire
Mary Ann Robinson 28 C T Cavan Corke Hill, Ireland


Linda Report 19 Apr 2008 17:35


I am at a loss. I have been trying to find my grandmother on the 1881 census along with her parents but do not know where else to look. I have been looking for her for years. She was born in 1868 in Aldershot. Her name was Jane Ann Elizabeth Robinson which made her approx 12/13 in 1881. Her father was Gervase/Jarvis Robinson and her mother Mary. I have found the family on the 1871 census living in Leeds. Gervase/Jarvis was a soldier in 5th Dragoon Guards. He left the army in York in 1872 and from there they vanish until my grandmother married my grandfather in Hull in 1887. She was not living with her parents at the time of the marriage. I cannot find deaths for Gervase/Jarvis or Mary. Any Suggestions or am I missing something?
Any help before I go mad!!!!
Regards Linda