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Scotland - Death before 1855

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Carole Report 2 Sep 2008 07:05

Thank you mgny of that website address. It looks very interesting and I'll have good look at it.

Also thanks to everyone else who replied to this query.

Regards Carole


mgnv Report 1 Sep 2008 20:29

There's an interesting series of 5 min videos on Glasgow's Mitchell Library and its genealogical resources at:


Carole Report 31 Aug 2008 16:26

Dear Alexander

You must think me really rude for not replying and thanking you for the research you did and info you got from the Mitchell Library. I had completely forgotten that I had put out a request for this. I was just going through my threads and I have just found your reply with really helpful information.

Is it possible for me to access other family information on line ?

William 1777 was my gr x 3 grandfather and Margaret Stewart was my great great grandmother who died quite young.

William had a son named William who was born in 1806 and I am wondering if there is any record of his death.

Thank you so much once again for this informatioon and for your trouble.

Regards Caz.


Alexander Report 17 Feb 2008 21:24

Hi Helen,
We have a lots of information in the Mitchell Library. It is a wonderous place.If they would give board and lodgings I would be the first to apply.The info I have just passed on is from the work of the volunteers of the Dumfries Society, so I take no credit.


Alexander Report 17 Feb 2008 01:02

Found what you are looking for. To summarise the gravestone at Dalgarnock Kirkyard near Closeburn village.
William Jardine died Closeburn 28/01/1841 aged 63. Jean Lawrie spouse to the above William died 22/10/1836 aged 54.
Peter Jardine son of the above William died 07/06/1823 aged 14.
Thomas Jardine son of the above William died Thornhill on 01/08/1864 aged 52.
Also Margaret Stewart wife of Thomas Jardine died Rosebank on 28/04/1848 aged 49.


BessofDorset Report 10 Feb 2008 14:56

Hi Carole-If you have an idea of where the people you are looking for lived ,a lot of information can be got from grave stones -check with the local Family history society to see if the memorial inscriptions have been transcribed and possibly published -or visit the area and tour the grave yards! for my family I found a grave stone listing 3 generations -Cyndi's List gives all Family History Soc.-Good Luck Heather


ladybird1300 Report 9 Feb 2008 13:52

I've emailed Scotland's People about this issue & they say these death records will be comming on line, unfortunately they couldn't tell me when, watch this space.......

Mhairi Queen of Scots

Mhairi Queen of Scots Report 8 Feb 2008 23:04

Hey Caz

If you have relatives in Dumfries, this website might be of some help

Both my Dickson lines originated from of each family married the other (after moving to Edinburgh)...similar names each side...nightmare.


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 22:35

Hi Alexander
Thanks for your offer. The person concerned is William Jardine born c.1777, in Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. I am actually trying to find out who is parents were. I thought if I could find a reference to his death it might give me some information about his family. So far as i can tell he married Jean Laurie also of Closeburn, but I don't know when. They had several children - Peter, William, Thomas, Jean Kirkpatrick, and I think another daughter.
If you can help that would be great.


Alexander Report 8 Feb 2008 16:49

Carole, I am going to the Mitchell Library Glasgow tomorrow. If it is a West of Scotland death it might be recorded. Can you give more details.


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 15:27

Hi Richard and Dutch
Thanks very much for your useful replies. Regards Caz.


dutch Report 8 Feb 2008 10:27

Hi Caz
ive been looking for the same as you try asking on scotfamtree they mybe be able to help or put you in the right direction

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 8 Feb 2008 10:16

Hi Caz

I don't think that you're likely to find many pre-1855 Scottish deaths, online or otherwise. This is from the FAQ on ScotlandsPeople:

"Is there any information regarding deaths before 1855?"

"There are, at present, no national death & burial indexes for the pre-1855 period. Recording of deaths & burials in the old parish registers was patchy and often non-existent. Sometimes the only record of a death will be the recording of hire of the mortcloth (pall) to cover the coffin before burial. For information on the existence or otherwise of deaths & burials for particular parishes, see Extant OPR's. If you wish a search to be conducted for a pre-1855 death, details of costs and how to apply are available on the GROS website. Be aware, however, that a record, if found, may only contain, at most, name, place and date."


Carole Report 8 Feb 2008 07:57

Does anyone out there know of a website where a death before 1855 in Scotland is recorded ? Scotlands People only records deaths after 1855. I am now stuck not being able to go back any further. Thanks. Caz