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Census look up please Cornwall

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Tracey Report 16 Nov 2005 05:45

Can some one please help. I have William Andrew marriage to Jane nee Thomas 6 Oct 1827, Redruth Cornwall Then son William christened 25 Dec 1828 Redruth Cornwall, then son Nicholas christened 25 Dec 1831 Redruth Cornwall. Is there a record for 1831. Whereabout 1841? In 1851 son William was in Guernsey with family I have records. 1861 I have record of both brothers in Breage with families. 1865 left Cornwall for South Australia. I cannot find records for their parents William and Jane. My aim is to get birth dates for William and Jane. It makes it all the harder last name variation of Andrew, Andrews and Andrewartha name was used in the 1861 census. Regards Tracey

The Bag

The Bag Report 16 Nov 2005 07:56

so who are you now looking for? the family in 1841 or parents later? Has father re married by 1861?

The Bag

The Bag Report 16 Nov 2005 08:16

1841 is a specialist look up, at the moment anyway. You need to know where they were , or at least where they might have been. no certificates before 1837. Jess


Unknown Report 16 Nov 2005 12:44

I answered the where abouts of this family.and put it on your other thread.The transcription and address were from 41 census online at CORNWALL CENSUS PROJECT.


Elizabeth Report 28 Sep 2015 00:06

I am currently working on the Andrewartha name and have joined together over 1,000 Andrewartha names. I have William G Andrewartha b.abt 1851 in Guernsey in 1861 census. Is this the person you seek?

In 1861
William Andrewartha32
Charlotte Andrewartha38
John H Andrewartha12
William G Andrewartha10 b.Guernsey
Edward J Andrewartha8
Mary J Andrewartha7
Joseph R Andrewartha5
Elizabeth A Andrewartha3
Anmeria Andrewartha1

Mother was Charlotte b. about 1823 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. Father was William Andrewartha 9 Oct 1928 Breage Cornwall. Parents of William 1828: William Andrewartha 1805 - 1870 & Jennifer Jane Richards 1907 - 1883;

Day Month12-Oct
Parish Or Reg DistrictBreage
Father ForenameWm
Mother ForenameJenifer
ResidenceKeneggy Downs
Father Rank ProfessionMiner
NotesH Willyams, Curate
Transcriber Notesref 1545324/23/175
TranscriberAlthea Barker

In 1841 Kenneggy Downs
William Andrew35
Jjane Andrew35 (spelling mistake on ancestry)
William Andrew12
Joseph Andrew10
John Andrew8
Mary Andrew3

In 1851
William Andrew22 Quarryman
Charlotte Andrew25
John H Andrew8
William Andrew2 Mo
Phillip Hugo25

I have found 9 further ancestors for the Andrewartha\Trewartha name but have no further descendants for this line. :-)


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2015 00:38

Hi Elizabeth .........

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Sep 2015 00:42

Welcome to the boards Elizabeth.

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