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Lying-In Hospital records (Endell St, St Giles in

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Nov 2015 13:21

Link to all relevant CDs

One on-line source says the disc is sold by Norfolk Family History Society

Another source says the London Metroplitan Archive were joint publishers. Their site quotes
Registers from London's Non-Conformist congregations and chapels were added earlier this year, making these unique marriage and baptism records available online for the first time.

To contact them to ask if you can still purchase a copy


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Nov 2015 13:13

Welcome to the Boards, Brenda. Its been a while since Athena posted on the boards. She may have become a lapsed/free member. Send her a message by clicking on her name. If she is still using the same linked email address, she'll be notified of your message and will be able to reply.

If it was only a couple of baptisms you were interested in, then the following link may help to search for them
Links to


Brenda Report 20 Nov 2015 06:34

Hi Athena

Can you tell me where I can buy a copy of the disc that covers Endell Street lying in hospital



♥Athena Report 20 Dec 2006 17:20

Yes, there is a disk available to buy for the City of London Lying-in Hospital Baptisms (which I do have a copy of) - but they only go up to about 1841, unfortunately. Is this what you were thinking about? There is a part two of these records available to buy but they only go from 1841-1868. So still no good to you. Athena


Cherilyn Report 20 Dec 2006 01:18

Hi Mhairi Thank you for that link, I did find the hospital listed (though not specific records). The casebooks contain number, date of admission, name, address, age, number of children and miscarriages, date of last period, details of labour, weight of child, and details of progress until discharge. It looks as though only the delivery books for 1856-1860 are currently available. The case book index says 'unavailable until 2006' and the rest until 2007/8. Not sure what that is about. Doesn't look like online searches are available in any case. All records are at London Metropolitan Archives. It's full name was the British Lying-In Hospital (for Married Women), Endell Street, Holborn; the ref is H14/BLI. Thanks again! Cherilyn

Mhairi Queen of Scots

Mhairi Queen of Scots Report 19 Dec 2006 02:17

I dont really know if this i'll help in anyway Mhairi


Cherilyn Report 19 Dec 2006 01:36

Thanks, I actually have the certificate, but was hoping the hospital records would tell me more details (I remember reading on a board somewhere a while back that they have quite a lot of information about address, siblings etc). Cheers Cherilyn


MrsBucketBouquet Report 19 Dec 2006 01:33

The birth ref you need to apply for the cert...(£7) Name: Lydia Chapman Year of Registration: 1875 Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep District: St Giles County: London, Middlesex Volume: 1b Page: 378 (click to see others on page)


Cherilyn Report 19 Dec 2006 01:24



Cherilyn Report 16 Dec 2006 12:12

Hi I believe there is a way to access records of these maternity hospitals, and that they were fairly detailed? If anyone has access to them, I am seeking information about the following birth: Lydia CHAPMAN, born to William CHAPMAN & Emma MORLEY on 7th July 1875. I believe her siblings were also born at the hospital, I have years but not actual dates. Fingers crossed!