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Trying to find Swallow
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Rambling | Report | 12 Feb 2016 20:23 |
Angelina, it's 12 years since Vivienne posted so she's unlikely to return to this thread, click on her name to seend a message, if she has the same email address she will receive notification of your message. :-) |
Researching: |
Angelina | Report | 12 Feb 2016 20:16 |
My husband is John Duncan Swallow, born in Rochester, NY, in 1970 to George Ernest Alexander Swallow of Coventry, UK. George emigrated to find work as a tool and die maker and went to work for a General Motors supplier in Rochester, NY. He left the UK as the car industry in Coventry was struggling and he couldn't find adequate employment. His father is George Swallow also of Coventry. And my husband's great grandfather for whom he was named is Charles Duncam Swallow. |
Vivienne | Report | 14 Apr 2004 00:06 |
Swallows born in the Birmingham area from 1864 to the present day, also any born in the Coventry area from about 1900 to the present day. I also have Swallows born in Edinburgh in 1839 and Whickham, Durham in 1816. Any help would be much appreciated. |