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Trying to find Tyrer

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Kucinta Report 1 Jun 2015 22:30

For reasons I won't go into, I'm not really able to travel far, so for me it was a mixture of the early information that was on computer, and ordering copies of records on microfiche etc because i couldn't get to the records office to access the actual material.

I remember paying Northants R O to transcribe my 5 x great grandfather's will for me (pre scanning days and the seal might get damaged by photocopying) - which I've shared with others, and still see popping up on all sorts of Ancestry trees to this day, as its been passed on to 'cousins' I've never even heard of.

I am really pleased more and more scans of original sources are available online, so that one no longer has to rely on the skills of attention level of the transcriber; the IGI once turned my 4 x great grandfather Thomas into a girl named Susannah - so many 'family' still have her in our tree, though she belonged to another family altogether. The fiche copy of the register showed the entries were very sloped on the page, and the transcriber had amalgamated two records, attaching Sarah to my 4 x great grandparents, instead of her own parents.

We owe a lot to volunteers who did/do transcribing for various sites/bodies, such as FreeBMD etc, despite my previous comment about liking to see the original source or a scan of it :-D

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 20:38

Yes Kucinta , I remember those pre computer days.
Spent years of my life at the library and records office pouring over microfiche and film.
But I must admit that although online data is much easier it doesn't replace the thrill of finding the ACTUAL entries in the parish register books and being able to touch your ancestors signature.


Kucinta Report 1 Jun 2015 19:44

No idea about Lancs BMD, because I didn't have family in that county.

However I started out about 2004/5 as an 'armchair' family historian, and there is SO much more available online nowadays than there was back then, and more being added all the time.

I spent a fortune as the freebmd progressed through the C19th, and eventually the early C20th, and as various censuses became available online, sorting out my family in London, working out who was in my direct line and who were sibling lines. Certs were 'only' £7 back then, so every payday I'd treat myself to 3 of them.

Also remember ordering microfiche copies of parish records that weren't transcribed online, then struggling to read them on a microfiche reader becuase they were such poor quality.

Used to toddle down to the central library to access the IGI in card form, and remmeber how 'the Mormon site' that developed into Familysearch first went live and immediately crashed as it was so swamped (that may have been a bit earlier, but it was one of the things that alerted me to the possibility of being able to trace family history online).

Today I could sit down with the LMA records and census records on Ancestry and polish all that research off in an afternoon...

End of trip down memory lane.

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 17:54


Ann Saggerson

Estimated Birth Year:abt 1834

Relationship to Head:Head

Where born:Knowsley, Lancashire, England

Civil Parish:Prescot

Street address:
26 Warrington Road

Marital Status:
Windower (Widowed)

Ann Saggerson 47
Frank Saggerson 27 - son - single
John Saggerson 14 - son
Walter Saggerson 9 - son
Elizabeth Saggerson 7 - dau

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 17:50

Ann Tyrer

Christening Date:
9 Feb 1834

Christening Place:
Huyton, Lancashire, England

Father's name:Edward Tyrer
Mother's name:Margaret

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 17:46


Edward Tyrer 40
Margret Tyrer 30
Thomas Tyrer 10
William Tyrer 10
Edward Tyrer 9
Ann Tyrer 7
John Tyrer 1

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 17:43


Edwd Saggerson 30 - Prescot, Lancashire
Ann Saggerson 28 - Knowsley, Lancashire
Francis Saggerson 7
Margaret Saggerson 5
Mary Saggerson 3
Alice Saggerson 1

Edwd Suggerson 40
Ann Suggerson 39
Francis Suggerson 17
Alice Suggerson 11
Ann Suggerson 6
John Suggerson 4

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 17:36

Edward Saggerson
Age:Full Age

Marriage Date:3 Mar 1853
Parish:Liverpool, St Nicholas

Spouse's Name:Ann Tyrer

Father's name:Francis Saggerson

Spouse Father's Name:Edward Tyrer

Baptism: 3 Apr 1831 St Mary the Virgin, Prescot, Lancashire, England
Edward Saggerson - son of Francis Saggerson & Alice
Abode: Prescot
Occupation: Watch maker
Baptised by: Chas. Geo. Thom. Driffield


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 17:16

OK....thanks for the 'heads up'

I wasn't doing FH back then, so I wasn't aware of the lack of bmd info

Would that also have applied in respect of LancsBMD?


Kucinta Report 1 Jun 2015 17:09

Given that Yvonne posted in 2004, a lot of records, including much of what is now available on freebmd, simply wasn't available on line. so she may well have found difficulty in tracing a marriage at that time.

I still remember FreeBMD inching its way forward through the C19th.


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 16:13

1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Hackerley Moss, Eccleston, Prescot, Lancashire, England

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Thomas Gaskell Head Married Male 61 1790 Landed Properiter Prescot, Lancashire, England Transcription
Catherine Gaskell Wife Married Female 58 1793 - Prescot, Lancashire, England Transcription
Mary Stokes Servant Unmarried Female 34 1817 - Lancashire, England Transcription
Ann Tyrer Servant Unmarried Female 18 1833 - Knowsley, Lancashire, England


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 16:09

1881 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
68, Pecksniff Street, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, England

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Isaac Tyrer Head Married Male 49 1832 Engine Driver Lancashire, England Transcription
Mary Tyrer Wife Married Female 51 1830 - Stafford, Staffordshire, England Transcription
Isaac Tyrer Son Single Male 11 1870 Scholar Liverpool, Lancashire, England


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 16:08

1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
89, Bagot Street, Wavertree, West Derby, Lancashire, England

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Isaac Tyrer Head Married Male 31 1870 General Joiner Liverpool, Lancashire, England Transcription
Selina G Tyrer Wife Married Female 31 1870 - Workington, Cumberland, England Transcription
Charles M Tyrer Son - Male 7 1894 At School Liverpool, Lancashire, England Transcription
Harold K Tyrer Son - Male 2 1899 - Liverpool, Lancashire, England Transcription
Isaac Tyrer Father Widower Male 69 1832 - Lancashire, England


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 16:08

Births Jun 1898 (>99%)
TYRER Harold Kirby W. Derby 8b 577

Any connection would not be through Ann....................

Have you tried researching, to see if any connection exists, Gerald?


Jacqueline Report 1 Jun 2015 16:05

Don't know why Yvonne said no marriage date was available

I know it's probably pointless posting now, but..............

Marriages Mar 1853 (>99%)

SAGGERSON Edward Liverpool 8b 282
TYRER Ann Liverpool 8b 282

Mike *

Mike * Report 1 Jun 2015 15:41

In case Yvonne doesn't check this old thread, try sending your message direct by clicking on her name.

Gerald Roy

Gerald Roy Report 1 Jun 2015 15:38

Hi,My name is Greald Roy Tyrer,my father came from Lancashire and was called Harold Kirby Tyrer.
Hope this may be of some used to you.


Yvonne Report 11 Nov 2004 13:54

Looking for any relations or ancestors relating to Anne Tyrer born in 1833 in Knowsley, Lancashire. and died in 1907. Anne married Edward Saggerson (no date available) Edward was born around 1833 ish and possibly died around either late 1800's or early to mid 1900's Anne and Edward would be my Great Great Grandparents. Any information would be appreciated.