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Trying to find Stephens
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Rambling | Report | 5 Feb 2016 23:28 |
Laura as it's unlikely Daphne will see your reply, click on her name to send a message, if she still has the same email address she will be notified. :-) |
Researching: |
Nicholls | Report | 5 Feb 2016 23:21 |
HI Daphne, |
Daphne | Report | 2 Dec 2004 20:56 |
Daphne Clarke (nee Stephens) Hi, I am trying to find information on my grandfather Thomas Stephens born May 1868 in Landkey Barnstable - he was a mason and on 12 April 1890 signed up with the Royal Engineers. He was related to the Stephens' who are (were) in the ink business. He served in the army for 12 years 106 days in total and discharged in Cape Town in July 1902. He married my grandmother Alice Maud Richards who was from St. Helena Islands. They went on to have many children; Alice Maud (1895)Thomas Edward (1898) Lottie Elizabeth(1900) Joseph Samuel (1903 died 1905) Harold James Frederick (1904) Charles Archibald (1907)my father;Lilian May (1909) Florence Ethel (1911 died 2003) Agnus Annie (1913) and Arthur John (1926). Can anyone help? I would be most gratefull cannot find grandfather on the cencus I think he had 2/3 sisters. They were none too happy at his choice of wife I was told so possibly lost touch? All the names mentioned are now deceased. |