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Trying to find Bateman

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SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jun 2015 01:06


This is a very old thread, and Vicky is actually shown as having 0 posts (in spite of this one!), so may well no longer be a member!

All I can suggest is that you click on her name, and send her a message through the GR system (known as a private message or pm).

GR will then send her an email to let her know there is a pm waiting for her on site.

IF she still has the same email address that she had when she joined in 2004, then you might get a reply.

To check whether your message has been seen and read, go to Messages at the top, click on Sent messages .......

.... if there is a green envelope by the side of her name, then she has not opened the message

If there is no envelope, then she has seen and opened the message, and you just have to wait to see if she responds.


amanda Report 26 Jun 2015 00:24


My connection is with Harriet Bateman who married Aaron James who had a son Aaron James (was a miner) who married Lucy Smith




Vicky Report 28 Jan 2005 01:48

Hi there , Can anyone help me? I am looking for anyone connected to the family of Batemans that had JOHN b.1796 married to HARRIET HARLE b. FROOME 1829. he had three children from a previous marriage, FANNY b.abt.1845/1847 SARAH b. abt.1847 JOHN b. abt. 1851 Then he and Harriet went on to have at least another seven children, some born in Dudley,some in Tipton and the surrounding areas.They were THOMAS BATEMAN B.1855 married SARAH HARTHILL B.1861 ANNIE BATEMAN b.1856 married RICHARD GORTON b.1856 JAMES BATEMAN b.1858 married JANE MORRIS b.1853 HARRIET BATEMAN b.1860 married AARON JAMES b.1858 PAMELA BATEMAN b.1862....... WILLIAM BATEMAN b.1864....... JOHN BATEMAN b.1866...not sure if John married .He was also Blind in one eye. The family lived at CHURCH ST DUDLEY for quite a while,There was talk of there being a VICAR and a POLICEMAN in the family. THOMAS and SARAH had only one child ,FRANCES BATEMAN. Sarah died when she was 40. Grandma Harriet raised Frances,But all of this family seemed to move backwards and forwards to SOUTH NORMANTON in DERBYSHIRE. FRANCES BATEMAN married SAMUEL HARPER IN 1903 in TIPTON. They had 13 children out of which 8 survived. Sorry this is so long but if anyone has any connections please get in touch,I have lots more info. Best wishes VICKY( HARPER.) CHILDS. few of the men were miners.