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Trying to find O'Neil
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Zena | Report | 18 Jan 2016 10:13 |
Ok I will try that. Thank you. |
nameslessone | Report | 18 Jan 2016 09:47 |
Zena |
Zena | Report | 18 Jan 2016 09:41 |
Hi William, would you by any chance be related to an Eddie O Neill? Born around 1940 ish. Worked for a short time in Holyhead in 1969 building cranes at the docks. Possibly for a company called Norwest or North West? |
William | Report | 6 Jul 2005 12:08 |
Hi, Everyone I am trying to put togeather my family line for the O'Neil side of my family,which is on my fathers line. Can anyone notice any names of the people listed below.If you do it would be great to here from you REgards, William Kerr. O’NEIL LINE Searched: 1818 Census SPRINGBURN,GLASGOW. 644 – 6 Book 80 Sch. 14 - 31 Cowlairs Road. Helen O’Neil Head. Widow. 48, Washerwomen, Ireland. Patrick “ “ Son. Un. 25. Boilermaker, Riveter.Lanarkshire,Scotland. Mary “ “ Dau. “ 13. Lanarkshire,Scotland John “ “ “ Son. 11. Scholar. Lanarkshire,Scotland Search: Campsie marriages 1855,first year in Scotland for official registrations. Marriage. 10 Nov 1855.St Pauls Catholic Church Campsie Stirling.475/p.25/49 Peter O’Neil.(his x mark). Mosswater.Kirkintilloch. 26yrs old .Labourer. Born. Ainnes,Co,Down.Ireland. Son of Bernard O’Neil and Rose Fegan, (Farmer Spincer) Helen Hafferty.(her x mark). Mosswater.Kirkintilloch. age (Blank). Occupation –Spencer. Born. Ainnes,Co,Down.Ireland. Dau of Rodrick Hafferty & Helen Hefferty. Witt: James Goldie & John Goldie. Forms: John Gillon.Catholic Clergyman. Lennoxtown. Death: 11 July 1922.Springburn,Lanark.644-6/p.204/612. Patrick O’Neil. Single.Died age 65. Chronic Fibrosi of Lung.Cardiac Dilatation. Usual residence: 14 Stirling Street.City.Son of Patrick O’Neil.Railwayman.(dec) And Helen O’Neil M/S Hilforty(dec). Infor: Robert Griffin (friend) 46 Gadshill Street. Death: 11 April 1898.St Rollex,Lanark. 664-6/p.150/448. Ellen O’Neil.died age 60yrs. Acrtic Stenosis of the Heart(6 months) Widow of Patrick O’Neil,Railway Platelayer.(dec).Eastfield Farm.Glasgow. Dau of Patrick Helforty,Tailor.(journeyman).(dec) Infor: M.Morrison,Daughter.present. 179 Balgray Rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search: 1871 Census Springburn,Lanark. 622-2 B.9 84 – 32 Cowstaire Rd. Patrick O’Neill Head. Mar.40 Labourer. Ireland. Helen “ “ Wife. Mar. 30 Ireland. Patrick “ “ Son. Un. 15. Labourer.Lanarkshire.Springburn. Ellen “ “ Dau. 7.Scholar. Lanarkshire.Springburn. Rose “ ‘ Dau. 5. “ “ Lanarkshire.Springburn. Mary “ “” Dau. 3. Lanarkshire.Springburn. John “ “ Son. 1. Lanarkshire.Springburn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth: 18 March 1856.Sprinburn.Lanark. 622-2/p.24/71. Patrick O’Neil.Springburn. Son of Patrick O’Neil.Railway Labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Telferty. Infor: Patric O’Neil, Father. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth: 4 July 1857.Springburn,Lanark. 622-2/p.65/194. Rosana O’Neil.Springburn. Dau of Patrick O’Neil.Railway Labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty Infor: c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth: 5 Sept 1856.Central District,Glasgow. 644-1/p.389/1165. Rosann O’Neil. Died aged 13 months.Teething etc.10days.No regular medical attendant. 85 Tennent St,Glasgow. Dau of Dau of Patrick O’Neil.Railway Labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty. (Buried: Dalbeth Cemetary. Infor: Dau of Patrick O’Neil.Railway Labourer. (predent. Birth: 18 June 1859.Sprinburn,Lanark. 622-2/p.69/206. Mary Ann O’Neil. Springvale.Springburn. Dau of Above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death: 17 May 1860.Springburn.Lanark. 622-2/p.61/181. Mary Ann O’Neil, Springvale.Springburn. Single. Died aged 11 months. Dalbeth Cemetary. Dau of Dau of Patrick O’Neil.Railway Labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty. Infor: Patric O’Neil. Father not present. Birth: 14 June 1863. Springburn.Lanark. 622-2/p.68/203 John O’Neil.Cowlairs Rd,Springburn. Son of Patrick O’Neil,Railway labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty. Married: 1855 Campsie. Infor: Patrick O’Neil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death: 23 Oct 1863. Springburn.Lanark. 622-2/p.121/362.Died aged 4 months. Teething. Neil.Cowlairs Rd,Springburn. Son of Patrick O’Neil,Railway labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty. Infor: Patrick O’Neil. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth: 1864-24 Aug. Springburn.Lanark. 662-2/p.109/325 Rose Ann O’Neil - Dau of Above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth: 19 July 1867. Springburn.Lanark. 662-2/p.104/312. Mary Ann O’Neil. Lo-Cowlairs Rd. Dau of Above. Birth: 27 Sept,1869. Springburn.Lanark. 662-2/p.119/357. John O’Neil. 32 Cowlairs Rd. Son of Above & Helen M/S Hilforty. Birth: 8 march 1861. Springburn.Lanark. 622/2/p.25/73. Helen O’Neil.Springvale,Springburn. Dau of Patrick O’Neil,Railway labourer. And Helen O’Neil M/S Hafferty. Infor: Patrick O’Neil. Father. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death; 30 June 1871. Springburn.Lanark. 622-2/p.128/383. Patrick O’Neil. Died aged 37yrs. Killed by train passing over him.(Platelayer.) Married to Helen Hilferty. Son of Charles O’neil Farmer(dec) and Rose O’Neil M/S O’Haggan.(dec). Infr: Paterick Hilferty, Brother –in –Law |