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Trying to find Leighton

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Karen Report 2 Jan 2006 10:09

Trying to find info on the following: John Leighton married Mary Nicholson and they had children Isabella Ainsley Leighton b 1792 she married Nicholas Hindmarch which is where I fit in as I married into the Hindmarch family, Elizabeth Nicholson Leighton b 1795, John James Leighton b 1797, Jane Jennant Leighton & Barbara Cole Leighton who appear to be twins b 1801, Richard Orran Grierson Leighton born 1800, Joseph Nicholson Leighton b 1807, Ralph Orran Leighton b 1805. There are possible more children but unable to confirm. Although I am not directly related to this Leighton family, I am interested as they seem to use the surnames as middle names and I have become fasinated with finding out what happened to the family over the years. I know that Richard O G Leighton married Mary Maltby in 1823 and they had several children including Richard Maltby Leighton, Mary Maltby Leighton, Thomas Maltby Leighton, John McDougle Leighton, Joseph Nicholson Leighton and Jessey Leighton. If anyone has any more info I would be interested to see what happened to any of the above and their family. Just as a last point many of them were Shipwrights or Mariners. Many thanks, Karen


Marie Report 1 Oct 2008 21:59

Richard Leighton was a sea captain that used to travel the England to Australia route. Where did your Leightons come from.
Regards Marie in Australia


Duncan Report 18 Mar 2015 11:58

Karen and Marie

I saw your post and was wondering it you were still active in genealogy.

I am related to the sea captain Richard Leighton, my 3rd great grandfather, born in 1818 in Gateshead, England. He is the grandson of John Leighton and Mary Nicholson.

Just wondering if we could compare notes.

Duncan Monkhouse


PricklyHolly Report 18 Mar 2015 12:04

Hi Duncan and welcome to the boards.

Click on Karen and Marie's names and you can send them both a personal message.

If they are still members......they will be notified by GR.

You could also put Richard Leighton's details in "Search All Members Trees" and see if their names pop up there.

Click on "Search" above.........and then click on "Search All Members Trees" from the drop down menu.