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Trying to find Capper

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ArgyllGran Report 21 Sep 2015 14:02

Andrew -
As Peter posted his query in 2006 and has not returned to the thread, it's unlikely he'll be looking for replies here now.

You can try contacting him by a private message - click on his name at the top of his post.
If he still has the same email address, GR will notify him that he has a message from you.

You may be lucky!

If you would like help with your own tree, please give us as much detail as possible about what you know already, and what you want to know about them.

Do you think your Cappers are connected to Peter's?


Andrew Report 21 Sep 2015 13:54

I have since found Mary Ann was called Mathews, she is on the 1841 census living with her daughters and her mother Mary Mathews, but no Joseph.


Andrew Report 6 Oct 2007 08:57

Hi, I dont know if I can help you but hope you can help me please? My ancestor Sarah Capper born 1835 Burslem Staffs, was the eldest daughter of Joseph Capper and a Mary Ann?.Mary Ann was born St Lukes Middlesex in c1794, I dont know where Joseph was born, Sarah had a sister called Susannah and she married a Steven Liversage of Burslem. Any info would be great, with thanks, Andrew


Peter Report 23 Sep 2006 13:28

Hi. I have a full branch of my family tree that are Capper's. I have a Joseph (born 1859), a Julia (born 1871), an Esther (born 1861), a Margaret (born 1864) and a Sarah Ann (born 1859). They were born to Joseph Capper (born 1828) and Mary Ann Watts (born 1834) Joseph the father was born to another Joseph Capper who was a lawyer. As far as I know all these people come from the Bethnal Green/Aldgate area of Middlesex/London. However, I can not find Joseph's (born 1828) mum's name or anything further back on the Capper's. If anyone can help I'd be very grateful to hear from you, Thanks, Pete.