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Trying to find Collinge

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Jan Report 21 Nov 2006 17:22

Nadine Mary Collinge Andrew Healy birth name John Collinge born 10th November 1961, Nadine and John were living at Dorincourt, woking untill he was placed with foster parents., Mrs Egerton untill adoptive parents were found Mr & Mrs Healy. Nadine married John Henry Muil 2/11/1963, they had a son James Andrew Muil born Dec 1969 Hailsham. Nadine married John Alexander Guest 27/11/1987. Nadine's father was Kenneth mahler collinge, and she may have a sister called Jacqueline Collinge who is godparent to John. They lived at 15 st andrew's square, surbiton, surrey. If any of the details ring a bell please do not hesitate to contact me, any information would be greatly received. Many Thanks Jan


David Report 6 Apr 2015 17:48

Hi Jan,

I am sorry this is not directly connected to your enquiry but you have mentioned Dorincourt, you have any further information on this? My wife was born in Windlesham in 1957 and stayed at Dorincourt, Woodham Rise, Woking with her mother until her adoption was arranged and we are trying to find out as much as possible about the place as we think she has other siblings who went there. We believe it was run by a Miss Ida Pearce.

Yours Sincerely,

Dave Pipe


brummiejan Report 6 Apr 2015 18:04

Dave - you might not have noticed that Nadine posted this over 8 years ago. She has zero posts to her name (you can see this by running cursor over the silhouette).

I suspect she is no longer a member, but you can try sending a message by clicking on her name.

You might be better starting by our own thread asking for assistance - there are lots of members on here who enjoy doing a bit of detective work!
