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Trying to find Inions

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Lesley Report 3 May 2007 09:15

i have recently had great success in finding relatives on my fathers side of the family that we had no idea existed! so we are all very excited to be adding to our family tree. my mothers side of the family is very different tho', she only found her father a few years ago and two brothers that she did not know about, she was kept at st barnardos in london from the age of one to the age of six where she was fostered out. she has no idea of her mothers real name (and is a bit dubious about her fathers last name as well) she has been told that her mothers name was - ethel maud rickards (altho' her brothers ken and brian had a photo of themselves with their mother and on the back of the photos it said ken and brians mother hettie?). my mums dads name was supposedly frank inions which for some reason he changed to frank good in later years. to make matters even more confusing is that mums brothers were adopted by a relative and had their last names changed to - chadwick! mum also seems to think that 'inions' was originally 'onions' and her grandmother had the 'o' changed to an'i'. the only other info that she has is that her father had two sisters and their (married) names are kathleen lowe and muriel lyons. we have also often wondered in the last few years if 'paul 'onions' (the one that got away from serial killer ivan milat in australia) could possibly be any relation? mum was born joan inions? in altrincham cheshire on 20th sept 1940. so if anyone is out there who can decipher any of the above id appreciate any help thanks lesley


Kim Report 20 Dec 2016 00:45

I have found a frank Inions married to a Ethel m rickards in 1928 Cheshire
Hope this has helped

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 20 Dec 2016 10:03


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