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Trying to find Davis

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Valerie Report 3 Oct 2015 12:25

Thank you for letting me know, haven't been on Genes for some time.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Oct 2015 10:56

Valerie - as you've noticed this thread is over 8 years old. Janet is unlikley to be checking it after all this time.

You could try sending her a personal message by clicking on her name. If she is using the same registered email address, she'll be notified that you are trying to get in contact.
You can check to see if your message has been read by looking at your Sent Message box on Genes. Unread messages have an envelope icon next to the title.


Valerie Report 3 Oct 2015 10:49

Hi Janet, I have just seen this old post from 2007. I found it interesting and am sure I have a connection to Joseph and Mary. My 4 x grt grandfather was William Eagles Davis bn about 1790. He married Elizabeth James in 1811. They had Elizabeth Mary Davis 1813, Ann Eagles Davis, Caroline Davis and Joseph Matthew Davis in 1820, all Bermondsey. William is a brick wall. Am wondering if you have found any further information about this family. Val in Australia :-) :-)


Janet Report 9 May 2007 04:43

Looking for any information on this DAVIS family: Joseph and Mary Davis had the following children. Lydia DAVIS 1775 Bermondsey, married Thomas HARTLEY in 1804 Lewisham. children Elizabeth Mynett Hartley 1805, Ann Eagles Hartley 1810. Thomas DAVIS cir 1772 Ann Eagles DAVIS c 1776 Greenwich, married John HELLYER in 1812 St Botolphs Bishopsgate, daughter Ann Rebecca Hellyer married Edmund BENNETT. Joseph DAVIS cir 1779 James DAVIS cir 1782 John SOUDLEY DAVIS 1784 married Mary Ann BATH in 1811 St. Mary at Hill, London. They had a son Henry (under 21 in 1848) and also mentioned in his will dated 1848, grandchildren John and Caroline. Elizabeth Godwin Soudley DAVIS 1785 married her widowed brother in law John HELLYER in 1819 St. Mary at Hill, children all born Bishopsgate, Elizabeth Hellyer 1820 - 1821. John Hellyer 1821 - 1824. Mary Davis Hellyer 1826 - 1828, Henrietta Fordham Hellyer 1828 - 1859 married William Frederick SOWERBUTTS in 1858 at Whitechapel. Any information on any of these families will be very welcome. thank you Janet in Australia