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Alan Brooks

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KathleenBell Report 23 Jun 2016 14:41

You could try clicking on Alan's name and sending him a private message. If he still has the same address that he registered with Genes then he will be notified by them that he has a message from you. However after 13 years I very much doubt that he has.

You should remove your email address from your post as it is against Genes terms and conditions.

Kath. x


Alan Report 23 Jun 2016 14:34

Hi Alan - I realise that it is many moons since you posted this thread but I wondered whether you had amplified your knowledge of the Teeboons of Gretton. I am currently preparing a 'genealogy' of one of the streets in Gretton - Craxford Lane - named after one (or other) of my ancestors (the Craxford family can be traced back to about 1620). 82 year old A;ice Tee Bone was in the street in 1911 with her daughter Mary Ann. In my researches I have come to realise that just about any two people in the village were raleted either by blood or marriage (or both). I wondered if you had got any further back with regards to Frances Boon and how the Tee Bones relate to the main Boon tree. Hope this gets through to you. Kind regards email: [email protected]


Alan Report 31 Mar 2003 11:24

TEEBOON Originated in Gretton, Northamptonshire at the end of the eighteenth century. All TeeBoons/Teeboons/Tiboons come from Thomas Tee Boon, son of Frances Boon. I have done a lot of research to find all his children/grandchildren etc etc. I am one of his great, great grandsons and was born in Gretton but now live in Liverpool. My grandma, Anne Teeboon married Henry [Harry] Brooks in 1881. If you want to see the grave stone of the very first Teeboon go to Gretton Parish Church, in Northamptonshire, Thomas' is the first grave on the RIGHT as you enter the church-yard. His eldest son, John, lies next to him. Gretton is near Corby, on the border with Rutland. There are lovely views from the church over the Welland valley to Rutland and Leicestershire. Both the Boon and the Tee family lived in Gretton in the 1700's - need I say more! Teeboons have moved from Gretton to Leicester, Cambridge, London, Yorkshire, Essex, Derbyshire, Nottingham, East and West Sussex and others to USA etc. etc. Looking forward to hearing from anyone who can add another branch to the Teeboon "tree" or would like me to add to theirs! Best wishes, Alan Brooks 6, Kingsway Waterloo LIVERPOOL L22 4RQ Tel: 0151 920 8770 email : [email protected]