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Margaret Perry
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PricklyHolly | Report | 12 May 2016 11:41 |
Have you noticed the date this thread was posted Catherine? |
Researching: |
Catherine | Report | 12 May 2016 11:39 |
Do you know if his father was Benjamin Alfred Perry? |
Margaret | Report | 4 Nov 2006 01:12 |
Hi, I am trying to find any info. on my father-in-law, Leonard Victor Fredrick Edward Perry (born July 1895, died March 1952). He was in the Army during WW1 & then the RAF at least until 1922. We know he married twice in Paddington, London, to Dorothy Stringer in 1922, they had a son Dennis, then to Eva Thompson in 1937, who had four children. There has been mentioned a connection with Alberta,Canada when he was a child, but this is not confirmed. So far we have not been able to trace a place of birth or any other details. Can anyone help solve this mistery for us? Thanks for any input on this. Magaret Perry |