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Richard Tucker

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Rambling Report 18 Jan 2016 20:53

Frances, unfortunately when you click on Richard's name it appears that his account has been deleted, so it's not possible to send him a message as Sylvia has advised.

You could try looking for him in the electoral roll, or on facebook etc? and see if anyone else has the relevant names in their tree who might be in contact with Richard?


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jan 2016 20:38


not only is this a very old message, but it is showing that Richard has 0 posts, that is an indication that he has actually resigned from the site

May I suggest that you send a private message (pm) to Richard.

Click on his name, and write your message in the box, click submit.

GR will then send an email to let him know there is a pm waiting.

IF he still has the same email address that is registered with GR, AND if he is still active, then you might get a response.

Keep checking your Sent Messages ............ go into Messages above, click on Sent Messages.

If there is a green envelope next to Richard's name, the pm has not been opened

If there is no envelope showing, the message has been opened.


Frances Report 18 Jan 2016 19:57

Doubt you still check Genes Reunited, Richard! However, on the off chance, you are a relative by marriage. Your Grandfather Edward Tucker, married my grandmother, Annie Mansel Read. I have just tracked down your Dad, Geoffrey and possibly his first wife Marjorie? Or have I got that wrong? I have a tree on Genes and one on Ancestry
Frances Carleton


Unknown Report 23 Jun 2005 00:40

Richard Tucker (DoB14th Nov 1953) I am searching for any relatives of our family, especialy an older half sister. I was raised in Coventry, my father was Geoffrey Edward Tucker a Master draper in the city (had three shops called 'Edward Tuckers'), my mother is Lena Olive Tucker and I have a sister, Edwina Tucker (now Moore) who is three years old than myself. I would be very pleased to hear of any information about our family good or bad!