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BuryStEdmunds - help looking needed - Cyril Tanner

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Mary Report 31 May 2017 23:31

Thanks! I will look up the cathedral and see if they have a record! %3A-D


martynsue Report 31 May 2017 19:09

I have found a baptism,st edmundsbury cathederal

st james baptism register 1913-1918.

Cyril tanner 01-09-1916. 363.

not sure if it is your Cyril but there is a phone number,you may be able to ask for a copy you never know what details they may have.


Mary Report 28 May 2017 12:26

It occurs to me that the bastardy orders might not be held in Busry St Edmunds but Cheriton where they family lived?

Do you know where these records would be held?


Mary Report 28 May 2017 12:13

Thanks Vera! If I can find anything I will let you know %3A-D

I will look into the bastardy orders, a glimmer of hope!

The only thing is as she went away to have the baby and i think that when they returned the baby was raised as her brother, presumably they pretended to all that Charles, Katherines father was actually Cyrils father so i'm not holding out a great deal of hope for a bastardy order.

I suppose I was hoping there might be some records kept from the hospital which might indicate the father. but i guess it is not very likely that they are still around.



SuffolkVera Report 28 May 2017 11:43

As others have said about your only chance of finding the father is from something like a bastardy order. I have checked the Suffolk record office site and, as far as I can tell, they only have a few bastardy orders and they are of an earlier date and mostly from Bardwell, a village some distance from Bury.

The only other possibility I can think of is if the father were sued for non-payment of maintenance. There might be a report of the case in a local paper but it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Sadly we've all been in your position and hit that brick wall. In your place I would ring or email Bury Record Office and ask if they have any affiliation orders/bastardy bonds etc for that period or if they can advise you of any other way you might find the unknown father. If they have anything or give you any ideas I could possibly go to Bury and look for you (I am about 20 miles away). I would love to help but there is really no point going to the record office to look for Cyrill Tanner's unknown father. Where would you start?

Get in touch with me if Bury say they have records to look at and I will go. Sorry not in the next 4 weeks but after that I will have more free time.


Mary Report 28 May 2017 10:46

Hi Chris,

Yes. That's the family. I have traced Charles and his father and grandfather through the census.

It is Cyril's paternal side that has me stumped. His son always thought Katherine was his Auntie, not his grandmother!

Not knowing Cyril's real father leaves a really big whole in our family tree. We'd dearly love to know who he was. It was a long time ago, I don't know what the privacy laws in relation to parenthood were then. Or even if there are any? So frustrating he's not named on the birth certificate.

Katherine lived in Cheriton, a long way from Bury St Edmunds so she was obviously sent away with her mother to hide this pregnancy. They were a poor family though so I'm thinking someone else might have paid for the trip.....

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 28 May 2017 06:15

If her below...

Chris :)

GRO Reference: 1896 D Quarter in ALRESFORD Volume 02C Page 168

Marriages Sep 1896 (>99%)
Smith Mary Jane Basingstoke 2c 407
TANNER Charles Augustus Basingstoke 2c 407

1911 (Find My Past)
Charles Tanner Head Married Male Carpenter 41 1870 Hants Cheriton
Mary Jane Tanner Wife Married Female - 41 1870 Hants Titchesto
Reginald Kennet Tanner Son - Male School 12 1899 Hants Cheriton
Harold George Tanner Son - Male - 4 1907 Hants Cheriton
Charles William Tanner Son - Male - 1 1910 Hants Cheriton
Katherine Sarah Tanner Daughter - Female School 14 1897 Hants Cheriton
Address New Cheriton Alresford Hampshire
Parish Cheriton
Census reference RG14 PN6198 RG78 PN292 RD107 SD1 ED7 SN99
(says Married 14yrs, 5 children born, 4 living, 1 died)

British Women's Royal Air Force Service Records 1918-1920 Transcription (Find My Past)

First name(s) Katherine Sarah
Last name Tanner
Enrolment year 1918
Enrolment date 16 January 1918
Service number 7488
Archive ref AIR 80/235/44

Edits (to see what they hold regarding Maternity Home, you would need to ask below, staff seemed helpful when I was last there, a while ago now!)

Address: 77 Raingate St, Bury Saint Edmunds IP33 2AR
Phone: 01284 741212

(Research Service)

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 28 May 2017 05:56

(looks to relate?, taken from it, below)

Chris :)

Could anyone help me find records or information about:
Maternity Hospitl, Mustow Street, Bury St Edmunds.

My grandfather was born there but no father is listed on his birth certificate. I dearly would love to be able to trace my family tree back a bit further if anyone can help?

His name was Cyril Tanner, born to Katherine Sarah Tanner August 1916.

I'm afraid that if no father is on the birth certificate it is unlikely that they will be on any hospital records.
Do you have a marriage certificate for him - does he give a father on that?

He does, Charles Tanner. But I think that is actually Katherines father. It looks like he might have been brought up as her brother.
Unfortunately there is no census documentation for his childhood years....


Mary Report 28 May 2017 00:06

Yes that's him
I was hoping there might be someone living nearby who could physically see if they have any records....


malyon Report 27 May 2017 22:14

is this him

Births Sep 1916   (>99%)

 Bury St.E.

I don't think you will find out who his father is


Mary Report 27 May 2017 22:08

Does anyone live near the record office in Bury St Edmunds who could look up a record for me?

I am looking for information on my great grandfather who was born at the unmarried mothers home, on mustow street. in bury st Edmunds.

I am wondering if there might be any records there which might indicate who his father was. I have a big hole in my family tree which I would desperately love to fill!

I live in the north and cannot get there myself to take a look. If anyone is local and could help I would appreciate it!

Many Thanks