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Nottsgirl Report 1 Jan 2017 18:16

hi Kath Happy new year

Yes I'm sure there were, as I said from it was from my experience, when I went to register my baby's birth and death I wasn't allowed to name her although I had a name for her and it was the same for my mother in law. Lucky as I now know where she is buried and been able to put a plague there she now has her name.
Also the burials I found for still born children as I've look though cemetery records they had no names just down as still born child of and whoever the parents were.

The rules on still born children have changed over the last 30yrs or so and parents are now able to name and bury their still born children themselves now.

I just thought that if Alison looked for the child's burial she may find more info.



KathleenBell Report 1 Jan 2017 17:53


Although some stillborn babies are not named, there are plenty more who are indeed named and you can find stillbirth areas in local cemeteries with headstones giving the child's name.

Kath. x


Nottsgirl Report 1 Jan 2017 14:23


I can say from experience that stillborn children was not given a christen name just know as a stillborn child. You may be able to find where the child is buried though the local cemetery or deceased on line site. I have in the last two years found my own stillborn child's grave (I wasn't allowed to have her buried myself the local council took care of it) and also the still born child of my mother in law's.



Kucinta Report 31 Dec 2016 15:35

Seems siblings can apply if the parents are deceased...

"How do I obtain a certificate for an historic stillbirth entry?

Due to the sensitive nature of stillbirth registrations, the procedure for ordering copy certificates differs from other types of certificates. Apart from very recent events, the General Register Office holds records of all stillbirths registered in England and Wales since 1st July 1927. Certified copies of these records can only be obtained with the Registrar General's consent. The following conditions apply:-

a certificate will only be issued to the mother or father of a stillborn child

siblings may apply if their mother and father are no longer alive. They should send details of their parents' dates of death with their application

stillbirth certificates can only be obtained from the General Register Office in Southport.

If you want more information telephone, write to or log on to the General Register Office website."
To contact the GRO with this query:


You can contact us by telephone on +44 (0)300 123 1837 (8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. Saturday 9am to 4pm). Calls to 0300 numbers cost no more that calls to UK numbers starting 01 and 02 and should be part of any inclusive minutes that apply to your provider and call package. Please note your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired customers can use the Text Relay service to contact the General Register Office.
To use this facility text: 18001 (followed by) 0300 123 1837.

You can contact us by post by writing to :

Certificate Services Section
General Register Office
PO Box 2


Alison Report 31 Dec 2016 15:32

Thank you for your replies. I had no idea that the details would not be in the usual registers.


AustinQ Report 31 Dec 2016 15:02

An older, but relevant post that might help:

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 31 Dec 2016 14:57

Stillbirths are on a separate register and usually only accessable to the parents

This may help explain


Alison Report 31 Dec 2016 14:49

My husband's mother, Nellie Brown nee Thubron, had a stillborn son on July 12th 1934 in East Boldon , Co. Durham , but I can't find either a birth or death record for him. We would like to find out if he was named or was he just "male child"? Can anyone better at research than I am give me some help? I would be very grateful.