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Joan THomson

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ginger12 Report 19 Jun 2016 22:45

Thank you for your help ArgyllGran , It is a new hot match to the 2 names , the message has not yet been read , I shall look at all member`s trees .


ArgyllGran Report 16 Jun 2016 22:06

Did her name come up in your Hot Matches, perhaps?

Unless the names are very distinctive, there's a fair chance that they are not your relatives. (But maybe they are!)

Have you looked for the names in Search All Members Trees? (Under Search at top right of this page.) You may find Joan as the tree owner, or you may find other tree owners you could contact as well.

Assuming you contacted Joan via GR, has she opened your message? If there's a green envelope to the left of your message in your "Sent Messages", then she hasn't.

She may not be a member of GR any more, or may have lost interest in family research, or may have a different email address, so that she may not have received your message - could be one of many reasons.

Or she may have read it, but either just not got round to answering yet, or may have decided not to, for whatever reason. Sometimes it takes months for people to eventually reply to messages.


ginger12 Report 16 Jun 2016 21:29

In my search for family member s , I can across Joan Thompson who has the same 2 names in her tree as I have in mine and dates are the same , I have sent a message to her but has no reply im wondering how I can get in contact with her to find more information to see if they are the same people , any help with this please .Thank you