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Standard member

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SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jun 2016 00:53

Eringobragh ..............

neither do I begrudge those who pay less than me, and yes, some still do.

I've never used the records on here. My tree is small (less than 100 names), and I have had less than 10 real contacts in all the years I've been on here. In all but 1 case, I had more information than they did. The other example was a descendant of one of my OH's ancestors, and she broke the brick wall down for me.

On the other hand, I have had great help from helpers who have managed to find records that I couldn't.

But I am finding this site less and less interesting, with fewer and fewer people asking for help, and several helpers all rushing to help and posting multiple versions of the same record, often within minutes of each other.

That's one reason why I would seriously think about renewing if GR does increase my subscription.


Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Jun 2016 22:13

Sylvia.. None of the above has applied to me ..and paying for the privilege of helping others has always been a bone of contention with me as I can count on one hand possibly two at the most when I have needed to use it for myself...It is what it is and I don't begrudge any member paying a smaller sub than fact if they got it for free I would congratulate them.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jun 2016 21:31

it does also depend on whether you have ever upgraded to one of the more expensive subscriptions OR taken a break for longer than 1 month, ie not paid your renewal within 4 weeks after the due date.

If you have done either, it is considered a "new" subscription when you re-start the Standard membership, and you get charged the new rate.

it's an on-going problem, which has patently unfair aspects.

On the other hand, many of those of us who pay the lower rate would be unhappy to see our subs increase .............. I for one, would very seriously think about not renewing at any more than £10 per year.

It's not worth it for me ................ I would be paying for the privilege of helping other members!


Eringobragh1916 Report 8 Jun 2016 20:45

The response above is virtually the same as one I received about 5 years ago except is read something like
"In the past few months we have been working hard to ensure all members are on the same subscription rate..etc etc....and all the drivel about value for money.." Some of the long standing members may recall the issue being addressed at the time.



HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 8 Jun 2016 11:28

I had a response...

Dear Judith

Thanks for getting in touch.

Historically we have always allowed members to renew at the price they originally paid so long as it was not a special offer price. However, over the past few months, we have been working hard to introduce lots of key new features including the Keepsafe, blogs, family history articles, new records and more. As a result of these additions, we feel that it is fair to ask our members to renew at the current price. Your new subscription is the equivalent of just £2.50 per month

Genes Reunited continue to offer one of the best value subscription options in the family history market, and we hope that you will continue to discover your family history with us.

With kind regards,

Natalie Gray, Customer Support
Genes Reunited Support Team

What a load of cobblers! I have replied. I think what I get IS excellent value although I do not use the site for anything other than the forum. Her comment that we feel it is only fair to ask people to renew at the current rate is an outright lie.

(a) The current rate is not £2.50 a month (unless I get to see only "my offer") - my new rate is £1.50/month

(b) You guys - especially you Margie - are paying much less!



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Jun 2016 11:09

That, Sidami, is why we keep having a moan. The inconsistency is ridiculous


Sidami Report 8 Jun 2016 08:17

Cheaper than mine?


MargaretM Report 8 Jun 2016 00:42

I just received an email from Genes telling me that my subscription expires June 21st. and they will renew it for £6.75 for the year which is what I have been paying.


Sidami Report 7 Jun 2016 22:01

You should be paying the same as me?


Eringobragh1916 Report 7 Jun 2016 20:45

I have been a continuous member since 2004 and I would dearly loved to have paid less than £ 19..odd a year for the past few years.. Oh I forgot about the 10% discount .

I guess this will be something that's never going to be resolved


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 7 Jun 2016 20:25

I have complained to GR - it's not a lot of money but why the double standards?



Ann Report 7 Jun 2016 20:16

I renewed in April this year mine was £8.96 for 12 months


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 7 Jun 2016 18:23

Mine is for 6 months- scabs!!!!!



brummie46 Report 7 Jun 2016 11:19

I think there has been some hic cups regarding renewal fees in the past for people have been charged different fees in the past. Mine is also due but in the past have always paid for annual sub between £8 and £9.


Sidami Report 6 Jun 2016 21:29

No for a year Jude?


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 6 Jun 2016 19:11

For six months I guess - same as me



Sidami Report 6 Jun 2016 13:22

Thankyou just done it I was charged £8.96


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Jun 2016 13:03

If you've had continuous paid membership since 2003 when you opened your account, it could be less than that.
However, the 'normal' rate is as malyon says - no more than £19.

You should be sent an automatic email in a day or two telling you how much they will charge. If its more than you are willing to pay, go into your account and untick the 'auto-renew'.

What ever you do, don't delete your account! If you were to, no one would be able to contact you if they have additional information relating to any of your threads.


malyon Report 6 Jun 2016 12:48

I paid £19 for year standard or you can pay monthly inst £1.50 a month


Sidami Report 6 Jun 2016 12:39

I am a standard member due To Renew next week how much does it cost please?