greyghost, How clever of you. Looked again at the 1911 and studying it very carefully you are quite right. it shows Henry's age as 12 and just under that the word months, so he was born in 1910 , so Edward and his family may or may not be connected to my mcCluskeys, it just seemed a bit of a coincidence that they are living at 68, Dale Street in 1911 the same address as my Henry's marriage in 1925. One of my Henry's brother ,Peter age 6 was living with my grandad in Teviot Street, Glasgow and his other brother Charles aged 12 living in Carrick street with his maternal grandmother , his father Peter i think i have found living in a men's model in Partick, Glasgow going by age and occupation.
There is 1 Henry age 11 living in Camlachie district in what looks like a boys school or institution, but how can i tell if this is my Henry.?
Thanks for your help, I would still be searching for the McCluskey connection.
I see that Edward and Christina married in 1909
Have you looked at the original of the 1911 census - a) is Henry aged 11 which would give a birth year of 1900 or has his age been mistranscribed and perhaps is aged months not years or is Christina older than Edward and Henry is her son?
Are you sure that this Henry is the one that is being looked after by relatives or is he elsewhere?
Perhaps I've answered myself - there is a birth of a Henry Gray McCluskey in the Gorbals RD in 1910 - so perhaps mistranscribed age is the answer
You will be able to view the birth certificate online to check parents but the middle name of Gray would perhaps suggest the correct birth. Does this Henry show on the census? I'm afraid I don't have enough spare credits to be using the full 5 to look at the 1911 census or full birth certificate myself.
This lot of McCluskey's are a bit of a mystery to me, I can't seem to find a connection to any of my McCluskeys of which there are many. I have found on the 1911 scottish census one of my 2nd cousins , Henry McCluskey b.1900 living with Edward b 1888 and his wife christina at 68, Dale Street showing that Henry is their son which means that Edward would have been 12 when Henry was born . I know for a fact that Henry's parents are Peter McCluskey and Margaret McDonald, she died in 1908 and Henry and his 2 brothers were given to family members. Henry married in 1926 and his marriage certificate shows his address as 68, Dale Street with parents Peter and Margaret. There must be some sort of connection with this Edward mcCluskey but for the life of me I cannot find it. Hope you can understand all this .
I have found Edward and Agnes marriage in gorbals in 1884 showing his father as Edward , occupation Shoefitter and mother Rebecca .
Thank you very much safc, His marriage certificate shows Dale Street same as the 1901 you have found.
Thank you
1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription 46, Dale Street, Govan, Tradeston, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Learn more Print transcription Household Members First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place James Murray Head Married Male 40 1861 Quay Labourer Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Maria Murray Wife Married Female 36 1865 Earthenware Hawker Ireland Transcription James Murray Son Single Male 14 1887 Scholar Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Patrick Murray Son Single Male 10 1891 Scholar Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Frank Murray Son Single Male 5 1896 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Elizabeth Murray Daughter Single Female 2 1899 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Margaret Murray Daughter Single Female 0 1901 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Edward McCluskey Boarder Married Male 44 1857 Moulder Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Agnes McCluskey Boarder Married Female 42 1859 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Patrick McCluskey Boarder Single Male 15 1886 Apprentice Grate Fitter Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Edard McCluskey Boarder Single Male 12 1889 Scholar Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription Mary McCluskey Boarder Single Female 10 1891 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Can I please ask for a look up for Edward McCluskey d.o.b. 1888 on the 1901 scottish census, parents are Edward , occupation Gratefitter and Agnes nee Baxter,
Perhaps in the Gorbals district of Glasgow as this is the area Edward married in 1909.
thank you jean