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Richard Frank Booth

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Lynne Report 27 Apr 2016 00:06

Not much further with finding Richard. He died on 19th March 2001 and was cremated 3 days later. I've never known anything happen so quickly. He has his own area which is something.
Can't find any further records or information about him so probably will have to go to Colwyn Bay over the summer to do some research there.
Have contacted a possible family member, I await a response.
Next step send for possible marriage certificates and send a speculative letter to his last address to see if there is anyone still there who remembers him.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2016 00:00

Would it help you if we tried to find his sister? Unless something on the DC suggest otherwise, it possible that neither he nor any other current relatives knew he was adopted.

On the off-chance that he was in the forces whilst in Cryprus, you could try Forcesreunited (no connection to Genes).

Depending on any success is tracing his sister, you may wish to consider purchasing what you think may be his 1978 marriage certficate. That would give you his occupation at the time which would help if he was in the Forces. Not seeing an obvious UK re-marriage for the wife.

There is one 1985 birth in England to that marriage? Worth persuing?


Lynne Report 22 Apr 2016 22:57

Yes, Richard was his adopted name. I have the death certificate and have searched Ancestry. There is a possible marriage in Cyprus - possibly he was in the forces. The death was notified by his sister, she is no longer at the address on the death certificate. No I haven't checked the trees yet as only received the certificate this morning. I've done various internet searches very quickly today so will spend some time now looking in more detail at those.
Thank you for responding.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Apr 2016 19:31

PM sent to Lynne asking her to return when she is able, and to clarify the name v dob.
As she states her husband is a twin, one would assume that she knows his dob. We don't need to know his name.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Apr 2016 15:50

We may all be saying 'Hang on, that doesn't add up' but as Lynne wants to find out more about this particular Richard, that's what we need to concentrate on.

Buy the DC which will give his last known address, and the address of the informant. It should also give his marital status including the name of a spouse & his place of birth. All that would be to the best of the informants knowledge.

From there it gives a better chance of finding living relatives.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 22 Apr 2016 15:00

what is your husbands name have you got his birth cert for parents details


malyon Report 22 Apr 2016 14:56

was richard adopted is booth his birth name


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Apr 2016 14:48

The only Richard F Booth born in the same timeframe was reg in the last quarter of 1949. Even if an informant got the yob wrong, the month & day are usually close to the truth.

Would 'Richard's name have been different at birth ie was he or you husband adopted?


Rambling Report 22 Apr 2016 14:42

First name(s) RICHARD FRANK
Last name BOOTH
Gender Male
Birth day 25
Birth month 1
Birth year 1948
Age -
Death quarter 1
Death year 2001
District number 8111B
Register number B130
Entry number 131
Date of registration mm/yy 0301
County Denbighshire
Country Wales
Record set England & Wales deaths 1837-2007
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Deaths & burials
Collections from Great Britain
(c) brightsolid online publishing ltd


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Apr 2016 14:40

Lynne - have you used the search all members trees function - top right under search? If anyone has listed him, use the find out more button to ask how they are related.

Have you looked for possible marriages and children? If you aren't certain of the results you could purchase Richards death certificate. The informant may be a relative.


Lynne Report 22 Apr 2016 14:34

Richard was probably my deceased husband's twin brother. He was born in January 1948 and died in March 2001 in Colwyn Bay.
He was a market gardener and has a sister in Sussex.
That's as much as we know.
Does anybody else know anything about Richard or know anybody who might be able to tell us what he was like or even have a photograph of him?
Thank you