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Burrows Family

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JoonieCloonie Report 15 Apr 2016 20:05

that looks like son George

this could be daughter Mary Ann in 1881

Name: Mary A. Burrows
Age: 10
Estimated birth year: abt 1871
Relationship to Head: Granddaughter
Where born: Portsmouth
Civil Parish: Portsea
County/Island: Hampshire
Street address: 69 Oxford Street
Occupation: Scholar
Registration district: Portsea Island
John Burrows 66 c1815 Poole Dorset
Mary Burrows 66 c1815 Pool Dorset
Mary A. Burrows 10

it would depend on who the parents of her father John were ...

the 1851 census shows that couple with a son John c1837 but shown as born in Poole

I think our John was son of Samuel in 1851 census

Name: John Burroughs
Age: 13
Estimated birth year: abt 1838
Relation: Son
Father's name: Samuel Burroughs
Gender: Male
Where born: Mile End Colchester, Essex, England
Civil Parish: Nayland
County/Island: Suffolk
Registration district: Sudbury
Samuel Burroughs 47
Samuel Burroughs 20
John Burroughs 13
Eliza Burroughs 16
William Burroughs 14
Robert Burroughs 17
Louisa Burroughs 9


malyon Report 15 Apr 2016 17:56

this could be the son george born 1868 spelt burrous

Name George Burrous
Event Type Census
Event Date 1891
County Surrey
Parish Croydon
Ecclesiastical Parish ST LUKES
Registration District Croydon
Residence Note Woodside Avenue
Gender Male
Age 23
Marital Status Single
Occupation Carman
Relationship to Head of Household Lodger
Birth Year (Estimated) 1868
Birthplace Hampshire, England
Page Number 36
Registration Number RG12
Piece/Folio 595/ 84





John Breach Head M 59 Sussex, England
Harriet Breach Wife F 63 Isle Of Wight, England
Jasper Breach Son M 23 Surrey, England
John Withers Lodger M 18 Sussex, England
George Burrous Lodger M 23 Hampshire, England xxxx
Mary Gibes Lodger F 52 London, England
George Gibes Lodger M 20 Surrey, England
Harry Gibes Lodger M 16 Kent, England
Frank Holcombe Lodger M 20 Surrey, England


ArgyllGran Report 15 Apr 2016 17:04

Yes, I noticed Clara Sherin, but as you say, JC, she doesn't seem to be related to Caroline Sherin.


JoonieCloonie Report 15 Apr 2016 16:44

ArgyllGran, for info

Ancestry has a practice, which is most common in the 1891, of assigning all women designated as 'wife' whose husbands were not home on census night to the nearest preceding male head of household

as a result, you will see two or more households mashed into one, with the male head of the first household having two or more wives, and two or more sets of children

all of the spare wives and their children are assigned that man's surname, in complete contradiction of the plain info recorded in the census book

This was done to some of my people in 1891

my great-grandfather is a bigamist, and the neighbour woman and her children are stripped of their surname and given his instead

my great-aunt's husband and his mother and siblings are assigned to a man who ends up with three wives and families

the latter were in Southampton as well - where, as you can imagine given that it was a port, there were quite a lot of households where the male head was absent

(my favourite is the mother of my 'bigamist' great-grandfather, who was assigned as the wife of the widowed neighbour woman ... very progressive of Ancestry)

thousands of women and children are unfindable in the 1891 census at Ancestry because of this

It happened here where Milly Everett, at a different address, with a different schedule number, separated by a double line, with her own surname, identified as 'wife' of an absent husband, has become Milly Grant, per Ancestry

In addition, from the household/page you have there, it seems that Ancestry disregarded household dividing lines (single lines) at addresses and mashed them all together as well (e.g. how the Fisks became Burys on that page)

serendipity though, the Clara Sherin actually in the next household at the next address, being added to the Grant household :-)

(although on looking at the 1871 and 1881 censuses, they do not appear to be siblings)


David Report 15 Apr 2016 16:42

Hi ArgllGran

Thank you for tying to help. I will check out that 1891 census you posted later as I have to sign off now.

I don't have any other info regarding the children. Mary Ann Grist is the sister of my 3x Great Grandmother.



ArgyllGran Report 15 Apr 2016 16:29

VERY long shot re Caroline & William -
YOB's don't quite match, and they would have had to change their surname . . . . . .

Caroline Grant
in the 1891 England Census
Name: Caroline Grant
Age: 26
Estimated birth year: abt 1865
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: William Grant
Gender: Female
Where born: Southampton, Hampshire, England
Civil Parish: St Mary
Ecclesiastical parish: St Mary
Town: Southampton
County/Island: Hampshire
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Southampton
ED, institution, or vessel: 45
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 920
Folio: 35
Page Number: 18
Household Members:
Name Age
William Grant 24 - ship's fireman, born Southampton
Caroline Grant 26 - Southampton
Mary Grant 1 - Southampton

The Ancestry transcription is a real mess, and the alternative names and "corrections" given aren't convincing either.
They are one family among several other people at one address, and Ancestry has assumed relationships where there probably are none, and got some of the surnames of the other people wrong.

I don't see a Southampton marriage for this couple, so wonder if they changed their name from Grist to Grant ??


JoonieCloonie Report 15 Apr 2016 16:19

can you say what you know about the children John, George and Mary Ann? you are descended from one?

if one or more of them may not have survived, it would be futile to look for them in later censuses

if you do have any of them in a later census, or their marriage for example, let us know the details


David Report 15 Apr 2016 15:47

I have just found this marriage

Marriages Dec 1882 (>99%)

FREDERICKS William Southampton 2c 38
GRIST William Henry Southampton 2c 38 <<<<<
Kinnand Ellen Southampton 2c 38
KINNARD Ellen Southampton 2c 38
SHERIN Caroline Southampton 2c 38 <<<<<

I have worked out that Ellen Kinnard married William Fredericks.


Births Sep 1862 (>99%)
SHERIN Caroline S. Stoneham 2c 51

I can't find a Caroline Grist with a William Henry Grist though.


ArgyllGran Report 15 Apr 2016 15:33

Long shot for John in 1901 ??? Widower:

John Burrows
in the 1901 England Census
Name: John Burrows
Age: 65
Estimated birth year: abt 1836
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Colchester, Essex, England
Civil Parish: Newington
Ecclesiastical parish: St Stephen
County/Island: London
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Southwark
Sub-registration district: St Peter, Walworth
ED, institution, or vessel: Newington Workhouse
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 381
Folio: 108
Page Number: 2
Household schedule number: 1
Household Members:
Name Age
John Burrows 65 - widower, labourer


David Report 15 Apr 2016 15:12

Also, Mary Ann's maiden name was Grist.

She had a son out of wedlock in 1864

England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
Name William Henry Grist
Gender Male
Baptism Date 14 Aug 1864
Baptism Place St. Mary, Southampton, Hampshire, England

Household Members
William Henry Grist
Mary Ann Grist

William has been transcribed as Henry W Grist on the 1871 census. He is with his Grandparents Henry and Ann Grist in Southampton.

I lose him after the 1871 census too.


David Report 15 Apr 2016 14:59

Please can anyone find this family after the 1871 census.

John Burrows in the 1871 England Census
Name: John Burrows
Age: 32
Estimated birth year: abt 1839
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary Ann Burrows
Gender: Male
Where born: Colchester, Essex, England
Civil Parish: St Mary
County/Island: Hampshire
Country: England
Registration district: Southampton
Sub-registration district: Southampton

Household Members:

John Burrows 32 Occ Fireman ??
Mary Ann Burrows 25 Born 1846 Millbrook, Hampshire
John Burrows 4 "John Holland Burrows"-----Born 1866 Southampton
George T Burrows 2 "George Thomas Burrows"---Born 1868 Southampton
Mary A Burrows 6 Months "Mary Ann Burrows"___Born 1870 Southampton