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Natalie Report 14 Apr 2016 18:24

So sorry Winnifred Lillian Marshall was my nan born 14.8.14 ( don't know where I got 1922 from) she married Thomas William Scott in 1935, Winifred's mum was Gladys Marshall who had my nan Winnifred Marshall and Audrey Marshall but we think they had different fathers, Gladys later married but we don't think she married either of the girls fathers ?


greyghost Report 14 Apr 2016 18:18

Welcome to the boards Natalie - what is it you are wanting to find out.

Your opening post is a little confusing when read by someone who doesn't know - so hopefully this will help me at least - am I right?

Great Gran Gladys Marshall

She had 2 children by 2 different men - your 'Nanny' and another

Later married but husbands name not known

1 of her children was called Winifred Lillian Marshall born 1922 and she was your Nanny or Nanna
EDIT - you confirm dob as 14 .8.1914 in later post

Winifred Lillian married 1935 to Thomas William Scott

Winifred named her brother James on her marriage certificate as her Father
EDIT - from further questions asked and answers received, this may well have been her uncle rather than brother, so brother to her Mum Gladys

Are you sure she was born 1922 if she married in 1935 or have I got it wrong?
EDIT - you confirm dob as 14 .8.1914 in later post

Here's the marriage reference and that was 1935
England & Wales marriages 1837-2008 Transcription

First name(s) THOMAS W
Last name SCOTT
Marriage quarter 4
Marriage year 1935
Registration month -
MarriageFinderâ„¢ THOMAS W SCOTT married
Spouse's last name MARSHALL
District number -
County Durham
Country England
Volume 10A
Page 1265


Natalie Report 14 Apr 2016 18:02

My great gran name Gladys Marshall , she had my nanny and another child by two different men she was unmarried, she did marry later but no name of husband, she worked in pubs and was from we think Thornton place Sunderland, my nan was born 1922, my nannas marriage to my grandad William Thomas Scott in 1935 my nana was called Winnifred Lillian Marshall marriage certificate has her brothers name down as her father he was called James (something beginning with an L ) Marshall and he was a butcher, any help greatly appreciated