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Prendergast Ireland and Canada

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Maureen Report 15 Apr 2016 12:18

you are correct. I should have said that Francis Prendergast and Elizabeth Riordan married in 1808 or 09. I was not at my home computer at the time I made the post. I usually try to have my tree on one screen while I write a post so that I can keeps such details straight. I appreciate the help and apologize for any inconvenience to the community


Maureen Report 14 Apr 2016 12:06

I appreciate all help offered as well as the comments. If I didn't respond to a thread I apologize. It can be very confusing thinking I have answered when apparently I have not


AustinQ Report 14 Apr 2016 06:20

You wrote:

"Lucy Townsend married in 1808 or 1809 to James prendergast. I know she was deceased by 1857..."

I doubt that Lucy married in 1808 or 1809- their first child (John Puis Prendergast) was baptised in 1835.


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Apr 2016 03:02

and another longer thread

is there not information about Lucinda Townsend in that thread, or was it discarded?

the way the information is presented in both this thread and that one really is very confusing


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Apr 2016 02:59

previous thread (Maureen, the messages in this thread are 'posts' ... you had a 'thread' about this family before)

you didn't respond in that thread

I guess it's just me but I find your opening post here confusing, in terms of the connections among the people and what you are actually looking for here


Maureen Report 14 Apr 2016 00:22

In response to the previous threads, William Kelley was a widower when e married catharine ryan in 1850. He was not a widower when he married ellen.

Lucy Townsend married in 1808 or 1809 to James prendergast. I know she was deceased by 1857 because James prendergast married Mary cotter that year. The ship information could not be my lucinda Townsend a's she had already died

Thank you everyone for your efforts. Please keep helping. Has anyone found Annise Frances kelley''s birth in Montreal in January 1863?


rootgatherer Report 13 Apr 2016 22:01

Is this your Lucinda please?

Lucinda Townsend
Birth Date: abt 1869
Age: 32
Port of Departure: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Arrival Date: 18 Jun 1901
Port of Arrival: Liverpool, England
Ship Name: Australasian
Search Ship Database: Search for the Australasian in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping line: Allan Line
Official Number: 111357


Maureen Report 13 Apr 2016 21:58

Thank you for all your suggestions. Another person translated the entry in the Notre Dame records and the record apparently reports that William Kelley is a widower and Catherine Ryan a widow of Patrick Long of Tipperary. I don't think Catherine could have arrived in NYC in 1851 as "Mrs Long" as she married William Kelley in 1850 in Montreal. there are many records in NYC for a catehrine ryan married to a Patrick Long but they can't be my Catherine ryan and William Kelley based on the foregoing

I also found the entry in the same church records for the marriage of William Kelley to Ellen Ryan. I have no idea whether Ellen and Catherine were sisters. The name Ryan, as you know, is just so popular it is hard to shift it out and make a definite connection. I do not know why I can't even find Annie Frances Kelley in the Montreal records. Annie Frances Kelley's marriage certificate is unequivocal that she was born in Montreal in 1863 to William Kelley and Catherine Ryan. if William Kelley and Catherine Ryan married in 1850, I would think the babies would have come fairly regularly and that it is more likely that Annie was amongst the last to be born. I contacted RootsIreland and they said that the records for Cashel/Emly, Holy Cross church do not exist before 1835 so there is no way to connect back.


rootgatherer Report 13 Apr 2016 21:50

Do you have an approximate birth year for Catherine?


Catherine Mrs. Long
Birth Year: abt 1828
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Embarkation: Cork
Ship: Niagara
Occupation: Immigrant
Passengers: 339
Native Country: Ireland
Destination: USA
Arrival Place: New York, New York, USA
Arrival Date: 29 Aug 1851

Catherine Long
Birth Year: abt 1828
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Embarkation: Cork
Ship: Sir James McDonnell
Occupation: Spinster
Passengers: 91
Compartment: Steerage
Native Country: Ireland
Destination: USA
Arrival Place: New York, New York, USA
Arrival Date: 14 Nov 1848
Transit Type: Staying in the U.S.


MargaretM Report 13 Apr 2016 21:49

Very hard to read the original of this but looks like wife of William Kelly, he's a journalier same as on marriage to Catherine.

Ellen Ryan

in the Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968
Record Image View

Name: Ellen Ryan
Event: Enterrement (Burial)
Burial Year: 1849
Burial Location: Montréal, Québec (Quebec)
Place of Worship or Institution: Basilique Notre-Dame


MargaretM Report 13 Apr 2016 21:38

Reading the original of that marriage in Montreal, does it say that William Kelley is the widower of Ellen Ryan? Relation of Catherine?


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Apr 2016 21:20

Maureen ....

it might help if you edited the title to add the words "Ireland and Canada"

There are some members who have access to records from those countries, and it makes it easier to know the countries you are interested in.

To edit the title ............

click on Edit on your Opening Post .......... it's to the right on the same line as your name.

It will open in another screen, and you can just type in the extra words in to the title.

then click Submit

Just be careful NOT to hit Delete, which is right next to Edit ....... that will delete your thread


Maureen Report 13 Apr 2016 20:39

I have been working on my family tree and have received some outstanding help from others on this forum. I am trying to find information on the following individuals:
Lucinda Townsend. She married James Prendergast in Cork. I haven't found the church where the marriage took place.
Lucinda Townsend, I have no idea the year or place of her birth-who her parents were.
Annie Frances Kelley. I know her mother married Patrick Long in 1844 in Holycross church Tipperary. And, I know that sometime between 1844 and 1850, Patrick Long died, and her mother, Catherine Ryan married a William Kelley in Montreal in 1850 in Notre Dame Basilica. Anne Francis Kelley was born in 1863 in Montreal, Canada. I have no idea how Catherine Ryan got from Tipperary to Montreal or how Annie Frances Kelley got form Montreal to NYC where she married in 1884. Any help is greatly appreciated. Maureen Prendergast Pineau