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National School Admissions age 1890s

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Pamela Report 8 Apr 2016 15:47

Has anyone come across school admissions registers where the child's date of birth has been changed to make age appear older. In my case it is on the original entries at a school in Dalton in Furness Cumbria, where a date of birth is given as 4/8/1889, when in fact he was actually born on 27/2/1890. Date of admission to the school being in June 1893. There are also some other siblings where the month has been brought forward by one month. Thanks Pam


KathleenBell Report 8 Apr 2016 17:01

I haven't come across it myself but is it possible that the father just couldn't remember the birth dates (especially if the couple had lots of children)?

Kath. x


Pamela Report 8 Apr 2016 17:08

don't think that was the case of child no 3 in 1890. it was suggested at WDYTYR yesterday that Parents may just want to get child into school earlier than allowed and that each school had different rules of admission. Thanks Pam