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Help needed from someone with Access to Ancestry

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Jane Report 28 Mar 2016 11:44

Thanks Andrew. I have a lot of the certs so it wont be worth me joining ancestry then.

Thanks again



Andrew Report 28 Mar 2016 11:33

The items for both are all certs and scans of lists of births etc. No photos.

The two trees have the same items, probably copied from each other.



Jane Report 28 Mar 2016 11:11

I'm not sure if I am allowed to ask this but could someone take a look at two public trees on ancestry for me. Can you look at these two trees and tell me if the photo's are scans of certificates or photos of the people. The two trees I am interested in are Railton tree and Dent/Tinker tree. The two people I am interested in are John William Elwiss Gray and Sarah Niles. If they are actual photos then I am considering taking a short membership to Ancestry to see them, if they are scans of certificates I wont bother.

Thanks for helping me
