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Adale Report 28 Mar 2016 09:52

I need help in finding the birth, marriage and death of WILHELM L PAPE. I have no idea who he was married too.

He was the father of INGEBORG ANNA ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE PAPE born BIELEFIELD, 10th May 1923. Apparently she had always lived at Bielefeld till she came to England as a student nurse

WILHELM was still alive 1950 when my Uncle Bill married Ingeborg 1950 in Wandsworth, London, England and on the copy of their Marriage certificate he was a Radio Merchant. After the marriage Ingeborg and my uncle Bill went to Bielefield from England with a van and collected family furniture. Uncle Bill apparently got on well with Wilhelm..
Ingeborg was always quiet about her parents and family but we suspect she could have been an only child.

Any help or information would be gratefully appreciated because for some unknown reason, Ingeborg, after uncle Bill died, destroyed every document including the Will uncle Bill had left and any photographs, that would have helped with finding her parents.

Thank you. New Forest. England

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 28 Mar 2016 10:07

Well German records aren't easy to find . As you know her birth area then her record woulld be held locally in Bielefield

You could try Family Search site


malyon Report 28 Mar 2016 10:42

you could try

Free access to Ancestry records this easter weekend

i searched on familysearch site there is a few wilhelm pape but dont know when he was born


Kay???? Report 28 Mar 2016 11:37

Germany have a time scale on their records.
Having been down this route.

Birth are closed for 110 years and to have access to a birth record requires hard copy proof of the relationship.....they are not very forth coming on extended family access inside the year closure unless for legal reasons....they are very tight on secuity.

If the marriage was reported in a local newspaper in 1950 it may give -- Ingeborg Pape daughter of --------Herr/Mr W and Frau/Mrs ? Pape.-


Autumnleaves Report 28 Mar 2016 15:22

Just an idea...

Maybe if you can purchase a copy of Uncle Bills will you may find some clues in that. Especially as you say he got on well with Wilhelm- may have left something to him or his family.


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Mar 2016 01:44

from the marriage record, Ingeborg's surname was actually Papé. But the name seems to be written as PAPE most places.

this is a translation of what seems to be a counterpart of the findagrave website, for Germany, showing names and the cemeteries where the people are buried (Friedhof=cemetery)

(Google's German translations are never good)

This is the search results for the surname Pape (German only)

edit, aha, add 'en' to that url and get partial English:

and this is a google translation of an article about cemeteries in Bielefeld

it says there are 19 cemeteries

this page has brochures about some of them

I don't think there is any overlap between the cemeteries listed there and the Wilhelm Pape graves on the gravesite page

'Bielefeld is a city in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe Region in the north-east of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. With a population of 327,000, it is also the most populous city in the Regierungsbezirk Detmold.'

I wonder whether someone at the Bielefeld cemetery administration might be able to tell you whether there is a grave for a Wilhelm Pape that might fit your man? with any luck it might be a joint grave or adjoining graves for husband and wife, or have information about even more extended family ...

this is badly translated contact information:


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Mar 2016 16:09

Adale has replied by PM that she has emailed the Bielefeld cemeteries administration so fingers crossed.

Thank you for the message Adale and you are very welcome! - but you can always reply in your thread and anybody who has posted here will see it, because your thread will pop up to the top of our 'my threads' list when we check - and if you reply here everybody will stay up to date on developments :-)

fingers crossed!


Adale Report 29 Mar 2016 18:19

Thank you to all you kind people who have kindly given me help, and still are, be it small or large. it will all be far more than I had when I first posed my Pape problem. I did not realise just how difficult it would be to get the information I need. I realise now that I am not alone in finding it a problem. I intend to persevere as far as possible because the help I have received has encouraged me.


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Mar 2016 18:54

Adale, you mean when you first posted in Flip's very old thread about a German problem and I advised that you delete that post and repost as your own thread because yours wasn't related to Flip's? :-)

I didn't want to start working on your question then because there was no connection there - but I kept an eye out for you to post a thread, and I've updated my post in that thead (after you did delete yours) to add a link to this thread in case anyone wonders ;-)

I see you have been a member since 2008 ... if you did try asking longer ago, there just were not the resources available back then for anyone to do even what I did in this thread - probably those German websites didn't exist, and google translate certainly didn't! So a lot of questions did go unanswered that are much more likely to find answers nowadays.


Adale Report 29 Mar 2016 19:19

2008? That long ago? How times passes. I rather think back then, I was trying to find my son-in-laws fathers second marriage family for him. It worked. A lady in Australia recognised all my information and it turned out to be my son in laws stepsister whom he had no idea existed nor did she know of him. That was excellent news and for the first time in his life, he was able to see what his father looked like as she sent him a photo . He was 3yrs when his father left home. That photo has pride of place in his home now. Good for GenesReunited.


JoonieCloonie Report 29 Mar 2016 22:50

wow, that kind of magic must have made you think it could happen every time!

in fact you had the kind of luck that 1 in 100 don't have here :-)

kind of like the first time I worked on an election, when I was 15 ... and we won against all odds ... so I got the notion that as long as I worked hard for my candidate, they would win ... hahaha.

it will be terrific if the cemetery people turn up something so keep us posted!