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Can anyone help please

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Chrissie2394 Report 5 Mar 2016 19:58

On behalf of someone I am trying to find what became of Kathleen Burton and her daughter Rosemary. This is what I have:

1911 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Devonshire Arms Upper Langwith Mansfield, Upper Langwith, Nottinghamshire, England

Thomas Bernard Burton Head Married Male Publican Farmer 31 1880 Notts Nether Langwith
Nellie Burton Wife Married Female - 32 1879 Notts Worksop
>>>>>>>Kathleen Burton Daughter - Female School 8 1903 Notts Mansfield
Olive Burton Daughter - Female School 6 1905 Notts Mansfield
Zemsie Burton Daughter - Female - 3 1908 Derbys Upper Langwith
Joyce Burton Daughter - Female - 1 1910 Derbys Upper Langwith
John Moorey Servant Single Male Farm Labourer General 37 1874 Derbys Scarcliffe
Edith Ledburg Servant - Female General Servant Domestic 14 1897 Yorks Bowers Ollerton

I believe this is her birth

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Births Jun 1902 (>99%)
Burton Kathleen Mansfield 7b 154

There was a Kathleen Grace Burton birth registration in 1903 but I have discounted this as I believe I have found her in 1939 as a single woman.

This is Kathleen's marriage

Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page
Marriages Sep 1929 (>99%)
Bower Francis Burton Chesterfield 7b 2121

Their daughters birth

Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page
Births Sep 1930 (>99%)
Bower Rosemary Burton Chesterfield 7b 1106

Francis died the following year

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Deaths Sep 1931 (>99%)
Bower Francis 46 Mansfield 7b 71

As I cannot find Kathleen in the 1939 Register I have tried looking for re-marriages for her and then deaths using her birth registration but nothing tallies.

I have found a possible marriage for daughter Rosemary in 1952 to Jack C Ellis in Buckrose Yorkshire.

There is a death for a Rosemary Ellis in 1983 in Bridlington Yorkshire whose birthday is given as 28th April 1930, so is this the correct lady and her birth was registered late?

I appreciate any help
