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Streets with no name

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AustinQ Report 5 Mar 2016 15:46

Is there nothing else that would confirm the properties your grandfather owned?

Have you searched newspapers or family Wills?

What was his name?


RolloTheRed Report 5 Mar 2016 12:39

The handwriting is very clear as are the entries for rent paid. Pity an abbreviated address was sufficient for the day back then.

There are only two "Station Terrace" in Essex neither in Ilford.
There are several "Station Rd" all large and busy. I check small roads off them none are or have been "Station Terrace" or similar.

My own guess is "Stratton Terrace" in Goodmayes or Seven Kings but that is just a hunch. I have sent off for an old Ilford Street map so waiting on the postman..... I think it has either been renamed or more likjely demolished by devleopers.

The further back you go the more the street maps cost. The Highway Authorities had complete sets of 6in & 25in maps up to at least the 1970s. I wonder what happened to them ?

thank you for yr suggestions


grannyfranny Report 4 Mar 2016 12:59

I vote for Station Terrace. These rows of terraced houses were often named, usually on a sign somewhere in the middle of the row, but this name is not the postal address, and seldom appears elsewhere. There was a recent question about Hewthwaite Terrace in Carnforth, which I knew from my grandparents living there, and seeing the sign on the end house from the top of a bus! But that terrace is on Lancaster Road.


RolloTheRed Report 4 Mar 2016 12:44

It is quite possible that the terrace did not exist in 1911. Between 1911 and 1914 huge numbers of houses from terraced to roomy 4 bedroom semi detached were built in Romford and Ilford. As soon as ww1 was over building recommenced extending into Barking and Hainult.

Many people do not realise that during the "Great Depression" of 1920-1939 London and the south east of England were booming - Southend on Sea was the fastest growing town in the country beating even John Betjeman's Metroland.

Ancestry online E.R. for London do not as yet extend into Essex and in any case are difficult to search by street name.


ArgyllGran Report 4 Mar 2016 12:15

Like Dea, I have scoured the 1911 census, but can't find anyone living in a Stratton Terrace.


RolloTheRed Report 4 Mar 2016 11:59

Thank you for your suggestions.

Romford, formerly Essex now Greater London, is made up of the areas of Ilford (Seven Kings, Goodmayes, Barking), Chadwell Heath and Romford itself. The mix of people has always been cosmopolitan.

Ilford was not badly bombed either by the zeppelin raids during ww1 or the Luftwaffe in ww2. Any visitor to Ilford will very soon discover thousands and thousands of houses built before ww2 as evidence of this! Barking - which then included the Ford motor car and engine factories, a large power station, gas works and so on - was targetted and bombed frequently though without doing all that much damage.

The Stratton Farm housing estate was built in the 1930s and is in Barking not Ilford. I originally assumed that "Statton" was a mispelling of "Stratton" but didn't find a Stratton Terrace either. I also thought of the cul de dac alongside Barkingside Tube station but drew a blank there as well.

I am fairly sure that the terrace I am looking for was in Seven Kings / Goodmayes rather than Barking. It may have been renamed or demolished by road building or development since 1920.

I have ordered a couple of street maps from eBay and will see what transpires.

I do not know who was living there in 1913-1920 but would like to find out. My GGF owned a lot of property in Ilford/Romford and he was the landlord.


ArgyllGran Report 3 Mar 2016 22:07

There's a Stratton Drive in Ilford (per Google Maps) - if that gives any sort of clue!

Apparently, Ilford was bombed badly during WW1, so maybe Stratton Terrace disappeared then.

"Ilford suffered quite badly during the Second World War (along with many other parts of London) and the book lists the amount of bombs, etc. which fell there -
618 high explosive bombs
25 parachute bombs
69 flying bombs (V 1's or Doodle Bugs) and rockets (V 2's)"

EDIT: sorry - that info relates to WW2, not WW1


malyon Report 3 Mar 2016 17:58

there is a stratton road in romford could be the terrace you are looking for was demolished


Dea Report 3 Mar 2016 17:14

I have looked at all the 'Terraces' around 1911, 1901, 1939, 1940 and more recent but none of them resemble 'Statton'

Who is it you are looking for there please?

Dea x


mgnv Report 3 Mar 2016 15:20

Ilford train station is opposite Station Rd, and Barkingside station is on Station Rd


Dea Report 3 Mar 2016 14:21

There was a Hatten Terrace around 1911??

Dea x


Dea Report 3 Mar 2016 13:39

Could it be 'Station Terrace' ?

Dea x


RolloTheRed Report 3 Mar 2016 13:37

I am trying to locate "Statton Terrace, Ilford Urban District, Essex, England" which existed in 1916 without much luck. The spelling on the document I have is clear and I have tried the obvious alts. such as Stratton.

If anybody has an idea or knows where an Ilford A-Z pre 1940 can be sourced I'd be pleased to know.

thank you