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Help making sense of burial record

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Karen Report 20 Feb 2016 22:49

After all he help I received on Genes I was finally able to find my grandmothers burial place, I was so thrilled but have looked up on deceased online , found record and have questions for .people who have done this for a while and will know . Elizabeth Harriet Jessie Murrell was buried in a grave with five other people none of whom share her name ? all june /july 1969 ? unconsecrated ground and an F in another column any help would be gratefully received


mgnv Report 21 Feb 2016 01:03

This looks like a common grave to me.
One can envision a grave full of married daughters, so it's not just the name thing - it's really that common graves are filled in a short period of time.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 21 Feb 2016 07:40

It could be part of the grave ref . Ie the plot and row ref

Municipal cemeteries have their plots marked out in rows

Why not ring the cemetery ., or the local council parks and cemeteries dept , to see if they can tell you


Karen Report 21 Feb 2016 14:53

Do you mean something like a paupers grave mgnv ? had thought of that and is is marked as unconsecrated ground . Thanks for help I am slowly getting to grips with it all . Shirley I have few days off this week so will make that call and see. Dp you know of any sites that have photos of headstones ?

Thankyou again

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 21 Feb 2016 15:18

sorry don,t think there are any specific sites for headstones

if your relative is in a public grave then it wont have a headstone the cemetery record though will name all in the grave


KathleenBell Report 21 Feb 2016 15:42

Was there a heading to the column that has the "F" in it? Could it just be for Female or could it be that the grave was Full. Most columns on any records or certificates have a heading to them so you know what information that column contains.

Kath. x


malyon Report 21 Feb 2016 16:01

this site has photos


Andysmum Report 21 Feb 2016 21:33

My great grandfather is buried in unconsecrated ground. I was told that this because of his religious beliefs - he was probably Presbyterian or a Welsh Baptist. There is quite a large area of the municipal cemetery which is unconsecrated.

It is nothing to do with being in a common grave.


mgnv Report 22 Feb 2016 15:16


Wigan Cemetery (at Lower Ince) Records Index
Surname Forename Age Place of Death Date Year Notes Grave Cremation Religion
Atherton Ann Jane 13 wks 10 Frog Lane 06-Mar 1864 D 190 * Non Con
Atherton Jane 67 yrs 4 Wood's Yd. Up. Morris St. 22-Mar 1864 K 454 * C of E
Atherton Elizabeth 49 yrs 13 Princess St. 25-Dec 1864 G 76 * R C
[On this site:
* against grave number denotes unrelated burials, ie. Public grave, not all public graves are marked.]

At this cemetery, there were 3 sections - the C of E and RC sections were consecrated as blocks.
The unconsecrated section was for non-conformists - as you'll see, all 3 types had public graves.


Karen Report 22 Feb 2016 19:03

Thanks All
Were public graves usual in 1969 , and would it be because she couldn't pay for burial? that's a sad thought . or was it space saving thing .

thanks Karrie


Karen Report 22 Feb 2016 21:10

Thanks all . Will try and go amd see for myself soon. This family history can be quite an emotional journey cant it x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Feb 2016 10:08

If you're going to visit the cemetery, please do be aware that the grave may not have a memorial marker - names etc.
Depending on the authorities custom, it may have a small plot number marker, but that's about it.
Ask if the cemetery office can send you a map as it can be v confusing trying to locate a grave even in a small cemetery.


Karen Report 23 Feb 2016 18:32

Thanks will do . I would like to,place a marker of my own and will ask permission at cemetery
