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Fascinating stuff @ National Archives. SORTED NOW.

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Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 15:25

I have received a very long and helpful letter from the Navy Command HQ in connection with my late Great Uncle who was awarded the OBE in 1945 for Distinguished Service during the war in Europe whilst serving in HMS ROYAL ALBERT (also known as Naval Party 1749) associated with the final operations in North West Europe at the end of the War.

Please, please don't waste any of your valuable time on any other part of his life that you may find [unless by some VERY long shot you can see the elusive record of his baptism, that is!! I've been searching for his and his two siblings' baptisms for years but they just don't/want to appear. He was born in 1903, elder sister Kathleen May in 1900, younger brother Philip in 1907. Their paternal grandfather was a Congregational Minister and they probably took that religious route ........... which would explain the absence of preserved records.].

Anyway, back to the task in hand! The letter gives file reference numbers, etc., etc. at the NA. Now unfortunately, I live m.i.l.e.s. away from the NA and we have everything crossed now that someone reading this has enough interest in the subject of naval history and also a VERY kind heart and could look and see what the files hold, please.

Great Uncle's name is FREDERICK HERBERT EDMUND VAUGHAN. Letter from Navy Command HQ mentions H&A 937/45 and H&A 1095/45, the latter being selected for permanent preservation and transfer to the NA where it is now available for examination under ref ADM 116/5234. Disposal of the former is no longer clear but it is possible that it may have been incorporated into ADM 116/5234 or it might perhaps be available in ADM 116/5232 or ADM 116/5233 . . .

I appreciate that all of this may be too much to ask and the research for this much loved man may just have to lie on the file. I would guess that a NA researcher would charge many £££££'s??? :-( .

Thank you. :-)