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Thomas Andrew Fitzgerald

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JoonieCloonie Report 7 Jan 2016 23:26

Hi Dianne, it's very very unlikely that anyone who was related to these people (or anyone else!) will happen by and see your thread

someone might find it some day by doing an internet search, so make sure your email address is always current in the account in case they try to contact you, and click 'watch this' on this thread so if someone posts here, you get a notice

have you searched trees at this site to see whether they are in anyone's tree?

sometimes Ontario marriage and death records will name the person's parents and give their place of birth ... his marriage was probably too early but have you see a death record for him?

can we assume you are descended from him and so you are looking for his ancestors?

(would you also check back please to the 'Winters' thread you posted in? just click 'my threads' on the left to find any thread you start or add to)


Dianne Report 7 Jan 2016 23:08

Can someone help me who was related to Thomas Andrew Fitzgerald born in 1831 at
Ireland. His parents Michael and Mary died about 1840, leaving Thomas and his sister
orphans, they were sent to New York, USA. I would like to know where in Ireland the
family was born. Thomas was on the 1850 Census at Easton, Washington, New York
at the age of 18 and a laborer, he then moved to Canada and settled in Ottawa.

I appreciate any help on this.

