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Please help me a find a missing Mother :-) Found!
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Luckylainey | Report | 2 Jan 2016 19:12 |
My friend has asked me to help her find her Father's Mother. The son was born in Winchester in 1954. According to his birth certificate, he is the son of Pamela Gladys Smith aka Heywood and aka Davis. His father was Trevor C G Smith now deceased. I can find no record of the parents marriage. His birth record shows his Mother's maiden name as Davis. His sister's birth record shows the Mother's maiden name as Heywood. He went to live with his paternal Grandparents, and knows that when he was 4 yrs old his mother returned to get him back but the Grandparents refused to hand him over. The family closed ranks and kept secrets from this man, and his Aunty knew more but always said she would take this knowledge to her grave , which she did. He has been told in the past that his Maternal Grandfather may have worked at Ford's in Dagenham, and that his Mother was Pamela Heywood probably from Essex. His Aunt also saw his mother in Guildford and Crawley, Surrey years later. This man is desperate to find out what happened to his Mother, He is pretty sure she is deceased from what he has been told, but would like to know what happened to her, where she died, did she marry and have another family. He has all the normal questions but anyone who knew the answers have all now passed away, but would never have told him the truth anyway. I am hoping some of the clever people on here might be able to help me. TIA Lainey :-) |