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Landsman from Russia to manchester USA ?

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brigid Report 10 Dec 2015 08:29

THe spelling Landman prevails in records i found

from 1870 Electoral Rolls

Ruben LANDMAN aged 38,
Marcus 55
Jonte 36
David 30
Zallel 19

female ages + relation to others in household not given

As the names Taube,Golde+ Ester turn up in future generations
maybe Our Edith+Sana named girls after their sisters

If Ruvin is transcribed Rubin

There is also
1897 census
Landsmann Rubin ; fathers name Behr ; age 35 married origin Bausk Courland Latvia


brigid Report 9 Dec 2015 23:42

Family 2 is

1901 chapel road

Abraham landsman aged 26 head tailor born russia
Annie 20
Esther 4
David 2
soloman 3months

By 1911 he is a master tailor with 8 children in Prestwich


Isaac landsman tailor machinist worker 32 b Russia
Bessy 32
Joseph 10
wolf 7
sarah 3
israel 21 brother Tailor B.Russia

still in mancs in 1911
jo now 20 tailor
wolfe 15 a waterproofer

looking for clues to siblings of iany of these heads of households maybe will find connetion if I can trace what happened to the ones who went to USA


brigid Report 9 Dec 2015 23:29

The (Russian born ) Manchester Landsman 's ; who are the longest established are

from 1871 census

Isaac lansmann. aged 33.Glazier
Anna aged30
rebecca 8
dora 4

theyare in mancs in 1881 ,
in1891 their address is Red Bank wife Hannah 48
Rebecca 23 capmaker b.russia
Dora 21 +
jane 15 are also capmakers born lancs

By 1901 Hannah is a widow same add
with capmaking daughters Dora + jenny
+ william aged 20 waterproof garment maker


brigid Report 9 Dec 2015 23:16

Thanks Ann

I don't know if they are connected ;
+edit but the Florrie you found must be connected to Hannah Landsman also of RedBank address

Hope to find a connection when I look into the births in Russia

i'm just noting all the manchester Landsman s for now

Greyghost ; the above threads are about Fellman family ;I've summarise all info we have obtained about Landsman at start of this thread


greyghost Report 9 Dec 2015 19:08

Many threads re Gies/Bloch/Fellman/Landsma started by both Brigid and Alisoun.

Is it worth looking to see if anything relates on those threads (possibly more)


AnnCardiff Report 9 Dec 2015 18:53


mentioned in the record of Golda Lazarvik

Name Lansman
Gender Female
Child Golda Lazarvik

Other information in the record of Golda Lazarvik

from England and Wales Birth Registration Index

Name Golda Lazarvik
Event Type Birth Registration
Registration Quarter Apr-May-Jun
Registration Year 1918
Registration District Whitechapel
County London
Event Place Whitechapel, London, England
Mother's Maiden Name (not available before 1911 Q3) Lansman
Volume 1C
Page 200
Line Number 18


AnnCardiff Report 9 Dec 2015 18:50


Florie Lansman

England and Wales Census, 1901

Name Florie Lansman
Event Type Census
Event Date 31 Mar 1901
Event Place Manchester, Lancashire, England
County Lancashire
Civil Parish Manchester
Ecclesiastical Parish St Thomas
Sub-District Central
Registration District Manchester
Residence Note Red Bank
Gender Female
Age 50
Relationship to Head of Household Mother-In-Law
Birth Year (Estimated) 1851
Birthplace Russia Russian Subj
Schedule Type 96
Page Number 16

Joe Levin Head M 23 Russia Russian Subj
Sarah Levin Wife F 22 Russia Russian Subj
Florie Lansman Mother-In-Law F 50 Russia Russian Subj
Woolf Lansman Brother-In-Law M 20 Russia Russian Subj
Morris Lansman Brother-In-Law M 18 Russia Russian Subj


brigid Report 9 Dec 2015 18:20

My great great grandmother was Edith Geis (Landman/)LANDSMAN
b1850 in Riga Russian/latvia

she married Lazurus-Mendel Fellman
in 1868

They had 12 children (2 died in infancy)
1888 she died giving birth to her 12th child who died unbaptised

in 1889 Samuel remarries to SHEINA LANDSMAN b approx 1865 daughter of RUVIN could be a younger sister ??
she had 2 children Taube + Khaya before coming to GB around 1890
and 4 more in Manchester : only 3 survived Khaya ( Mathilda/Tilly. ) Golda/gertrude + Esther

The Landsman spelling seems quite rare
there are only a few families in Manchester area with this spelling in the 1890's but I can't connect their names .

I'd like to know how + If Geiss-Eida(Edith) + Sheina (jane ) nee Landsman are related to
the following people

1876 ABRAHAM LANDSMAN who married Annie Cohen 17/6/96
the same day + as Geis-Eida's eldest daughter Rebecca Fellman married Benjamin Bloch

Abrahamin 1901 was aged 26
he + Annie stayed in Prestwich/Manchester area til at least 1911
+ had 5 children
but who were his siblings + parents

1900 march JO or Geo (jJOSEPH /GEORGE) LANDSMAN aged 20 on SS Estruria from Liverpool to New York
with (cousin ?) Bernd Fellman aged 24 both travellers
going to stay in Southbridge

to stay with illeg could be a G or F LANDSMAN ..of Southbridge New York
.I need the name to look in Latvian records to see if his father was Ruvin .

can anyone join the dots + link these people