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Return from India - 1939 Records, please

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KathleenBell Report 29 Nov 2015 18:21

It seems that he is as he is also listed as Tenterden with 4 others and 2 others who are officially closed. It gives his birth year as 1885. Hopefully that will tell you if it is the correct Lewis.

They must be with someone with the surname Goulder as on the transcription it says "Goulder Household". I hadn't noticed that when I looked up at first.

Just checked again just using Goulder as surname and putting in Tenterden MB for the place and a Florence S. Goulder, birth year 1888 comes up so she could be the one at the same address. You would need to pay to open up the record to be certain though.

Kath. x


Nicola'S Report 29 Nov 2015 18:16

Thank you for that. I didn't realise that it was a money making exercise!!
Can you have another look and see if Lewis Barber is one of the people on the record please.


KathleenBell Report 29 Nov 2015 18:13

I can't see Jill anywhere but she is probably closed as she could still be alive and if she has died then you probably need to supply the death certificate to get the record opened. Possibly the same for William.

Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 29 Nov 2015 18:10

Jacqueline is living Tenterden, Kent. There are 4 others on the record and 2 others who are officially closed.

You can't see the entry without buying credits.

Kath. x


Nicola'S Report 29 Nov 2015 18:03

Please can you see:
Jacqueline Kathleen May Barber, born 1900, probably living in Kent.
Jill Sheila Fitzgerald Hervey, born 1924, probably at boarding school in Wales???
William Fitzgerald Hervey, probably in S.E. England.